*The Ice Queen* profile picture

*The Ice Queen*

I am here for Friends

About Me

Make Your Name An Image I'm no longer confused...
but don't tell anybody
I'm about to break the rules...
but don't tell anybody
I've got something better than school...
but don't tell anybody
My Grandmama would kill me...
so don't tell anybody
She wants me to get a good ass job...
just like everybody
But she aint walked in my shoes... *I'M JUST NOT EVERYBODY*
There's lots to say about me. . . Check out my randoms in my blog for lots of weird, quirky, and fun facts about me. I think things like that reveal the most about a person. :)
Hmm. . . I consider myself to be a pretty mellow person. I really cannot be categorized and that's what everyone loves about me. Most would say I have a "I don't give a fuck" attitude which is pretty accurate. It's not that I don't care about anything at all, I just don't stress bullshit and I really could give two shits about anyone that I don't know or don't like. And to be frank, when you've been through half the shit I have and life hasn't dealt you such a great hand, it's no surprise why I'm not exactly Miss Congeniality.
I cannot stand people that act ghetto 24/7 like that shit is cute. There's a time and a place for everything and a cutoff point for when you should know the difference. So when you're 18+ and thinkin you grown, you aint got no reason ta be goin hard all daii erriiday talkin lyke dis lyke das da shit ta be doin. . .I got 3 words for you dumb fucks: GET A CLUE. It's even worse when these suburban broads (and its not only the white girls) act like they hard because they do all types of dumb shit to get status and impress the whole world and they only J-walk and only fuck black guys. . . A wise man once said, "Quiet [niggas] will kill; Loud [niggas] talk shit-them be the ones who get killed. . ." Take it how you want it. . .
You can always count on me for a hearty, bust-a-gut laugh; I've always been the clown of the bunch and to be totally blunt, I'm an ass.
As obnoxious as I can be, I'm such a sweetheart and I'm a really loving and caring person when it comes to those I actually love and care about-I WOULD DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING FOR THEM (and I have proven that by the crazy shit I've done). I really go out of my way for my people. I don't care what it takes, I do anything and everything to make sure my people are well taken care of. When they smile, I smile. When they frown, I whoop some ass...
I believe in destiny and fate because we actually know without knowing what will happen. For example, if you slap someone, you knew you were gonna slap them, but they didn't. Didn't need Ms. Cleo for that. And then they know how they will react, but you don't. See how the world works now? We think we don't know what the future holds but in all actuality, we do without realization.
I'm in school and I love it, but it's such a ghetto school LOL. I have a job and I loathe it; it's such a ghetto ass place to work. So another thing that irks me is that no matter where I go, it seems that I can't escape a ghetto atmosphere. SMH Oh well, I just ignore the ignorant, laugh it off and keep it moving; I don't dwell on it or let it get to me.
If you haven't guessed it yet, I grew up in the hood. And yet I have my own identity and am not afraid to listen to music besides hip-hop, I don't have a pitbull, I know that Jordans are actually recycled every 10 years (bet most of you lames didn't pick up on that little tidbit), and I am not afraid to use big words and put my extensive vocabulary to use, while still remaining grounded and being able to get hood on a lame with the quickness. It's quite amusing actually when that happens because most naysayers wouldn't think I have it in me.
A lot of people think I'm racist, especially against white people. LMAO My best friend is a white girl, so go figure that shit out. But it's not that I don't like white people as a whole, it's wiggers that slay me. There are some real chill white folk, but them wiggers need a serious reality check and I've had no problem giving it to them over the past few years. In general, I consider myself a walking racial slur; I'll crack on ANY nationality at any given point and time. Hell, I'm Puerto Rican and I can't stand most Puerto Ricans. They think they're special simply because they can speak a foreign language yet don't need green cards to come to the mainland United States; most Puerto Ricans don't even speak spanish to begin with. . .again, go figure that shit out.
I have many great qualities, and probably almost as many bad habits. =P The worst would probably be thinking aloud and laughing at all the wrong times. I'm a clown and I love to laugh, I can't help it sometimes. But I do know when to be serious, that's the important thing. Yet I don't just say stupid shit when I'm mad, I say stupid shit on a regular basis; as I said, I'm a clown. But it's never really intentional, I'm just a little slow sometimes.
I'm nowhere near perfect, and I don't aim to be. I'm just trying to live my life to the fullest and keep growing and becoming a better person.
This really isn't my generation; I should have been born at least 8 or 9 years earlier, I'm such a ol' skool head (no comments Jermaine lol). I love the music, some of the fashion (key word=some), and I miss the 90's more than anyone could possibly fathom. Can't you tell by my music? It's hip-hop. Not crap rap. I miss the days of real hip-hop when the music had a point. . . My girl gotta girlfriend?! WTF?!. . . A bay bay?! I swear if another one of these dumb fucks on the ave. tries to use that line on me again. . . And please get off Lil' Wayne's dick already, he aint the next 'Pac and never will be. Even that new whiteboy on Hot 97 said it his damn self; he'll never make a "Brenda's Got a Baby," he'll never make a "Dear Mama," he'll never make another "Changes" record. Yeah the kid may got potential, I'll give him that, but that's about all he has and he's been in the game long enough to be way past where he's at. So there. Now give me my Lupe, my Kanye, my Common, my Nas, my Saigon, my Jay-Z, and let me escape with some real shit.
I don't have "many haters" because I'm a real, down ass chick and I don't try to be something I'm not. Yeah, there's people that don't like me, and vice versa. But that just comes with them not meshing well with my personality, not me making an effort to come off as an ignorant, immature wannabe. I don't talk about how everyone is soooo jealous of or obsessed with or wants to "get like me" and wants to live my life and all that other 8th grade bullshit. Only fake people feel like they have "haters" or even funnier yet, "a fan club."
I admit, I do have a wild past and have made many stupid mistakes, but I've learned from it all and that's the important thing. I don't glorify my past. It wasn't all bad, but the bad definitely outweighed the good. Now the script has been flipped and life finally feels worth it to me.
I have a renewed faith in God and I truly believe that if you just live your life the best way you can and leave the rest in God's hands, everything will fall into place and happen exactly as it is meant to be... *THE LORD MAKES NO MISTAKES*...
As if it aint already painfully obvious, I live and breathe for music and I'm gonna make sure that I bring hip-hop back to the glory days; count on it.
Growing up I was more of a sporty girl, not necessarily a tomboy, but I was never a girly girl. Now, people say I'm finally becoming a woman. LOL I just say that I'm finally comfortable in my own skin and don't let other people's opinions of me dictate my thoughts and actions or influence my own opinions of myself because at the end of the day, the only one that can live my life is me and the only one who can judge me is God.
I'm quite a character, as if that hasn't already been made evident. There never has been nor will there ever be another me. But anyways, I like to think of myself as unidifferbubblcrazierdquirksomeazing, or in simpler terms, Briana. Gotta love me. :)
Yes, my hair is real.
No, I am not related to Fat Joe. . . and may God have mercy on the next moron who asks me that just because we have the same damn last name because I sure as hell aint.

The Tag Dictionary B: think about it
Lil Mama: self explanatory
The Ice Queen: I'm an evil, cold hearted, vindictive, conniving, devious obnoxious bitch. . . unless I'm cool with you 0:)
Thunder Thighs: self-explanatory
Thickums: self-explanatory
Firecracker: I'm just so damn hyper and jumpy, like an electric jolt
Red Bull: I'm always energetic
The Little One: self-explanatory
Peaches: got this one in high school; first day at my new school (I was a transfer sophomore) and this girl asked me my name, I said Briana and she said I looked like a "Peaches" and it just stuck
Skittles: I love color and love to accessorize and match perfectly and I always go for the bright stuff that really stands out
(Lil) Vicious: don't let my size and innocent face fool you. . . YOU WILL GET IT
Shorty Doo Wop: self-explanatory
Short Stuff: self-explanatory
Yes, that's really me doing the handstand in that pic; I do all my own stunts :)
No, I'm not gonna fulfill you and all your homeboys sick, twisted, perverted fantasies just because I can do a split, so stop asking.
In the words of the Jigga Man, "I am a hustler; I can sell water to a whale." I'll never be a broke bitch by any means. I'm allergic to broke. I love money as much as I love myself and I'm one of the few wise ones who has figured out that there are so many bullshit ass ways in this country to make some fast cash and multiply it, and I take full advantage of each one. I'll never have to depend on nobody (especially not no man) to ever take care of me. I'm a little diva; I want what I want when I want it and that's that. That's the effects of growing up in the hood and struggling just to see tomorrow. I always loathed living like that and it's been the fuel to my fire to get out of here and make something of myself. I laugh at the posers who grew up the total opposite of us and think this lifestyle is sooo damn amazing and wanna "get like us" because they're simply a bunch of uninformed, misguided losers, and I laugh even harder (on my way to the bank!) at those who really think I'm not living it up right now and think I'm so S.O.S. (stuck on stupid) because, you think I'm victim to the game when, in all actuality, I wrote the play book. . .
Your Birthdate: April 26
You love being in love... so much so that it's very hard for you to be single.
Unfortunately, it's difficult for you to stay in love over time. Too many people intrigue you!
Only your true love will be able to keep you interested over time.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 2
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4
You are most compatible with people born on the 8th, 17th , and 26th of the month of April. What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life? we all know these things are bullshit, right? just wanted to clarify that...
Surveys I Took
Time for what?
26 unusual questions
A B C You Answer Me
Seven years ago
70 Q's?
Lets talk about me... or you
More about you
Are ya bored?
69 yes or no questions
Have you ever??
Tell all
50 short questions
29 askings
(Take Surverys)

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My Interests

we're all here for a reason on a particular path
you dont need a curriculum to know that you apart of the math
cats think im delirious but im so damn serious
thats why i expose my soul to the globe, the world
im tryna make it better for these little boys and girls
im not just another individual
my spirit is apart of this, thats why i get spiritual
but i get my hymns from Him
so its not me, its He thats lyrical
im not a miracle; im a heaven sent instrument
my rhythmatic regiment navigates melodic notes for your soul, your mental
thats why im instrumental
vibrations is what im into
yeah, i need my loot by rent day
but that aint what give me the heart of Kunta Kinte
im tryna give us us free like Sinke
i cant stop
thats why im hot
determination, dedication, motivation
im talkin to you of my many inspirations when i say i cant let you or self down
if i were on the highest cliff on the highest riff
and you slipped off the side and clenched onto your life in my grip
i would never, EVER let you down
and when these words are found
let it be known that God's penmanship has been signed with a language called love
thats why my breath is felt by the deaf
and while my words are heard and confined to the ears of the blind
i, too, dream in color and in rhyme
so i guess im one of a kind in a full house
because whenever i open my heart, my soul, or my mouth
a touch of God reigns OUT. . .

You Will Be a Cool Parent
You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.
You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.
While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.
You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant! Would You Be a Cool Parent?

I'd like to meet:


¤hip-hop (not crap rap) ¤r&b ¤reggae ¤dancehall ¤soca ¤salsa ¤merengue ¤bachata ¤pop ¤punk ¤rock ¤oldies ¤new jack swing ¤90's ¤soul/neo soul ¤a lil bit of everything ¤*REAL, QUALITY MUSIC*¤



Sign My Yearbook!


everyone who always has been and will always be there for me...

and that special somebody who has my heart

myspace tracker

found this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments

My Blog

PEEP THIS (its for you too, no bs this time tho)

THIS IS ME AND NO ONE ELSEi just have a few things i need to get off my chest right now in light of recent occurrences and this AINT general at all and yall know exactly who this is DIRECTLY aimed at ...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 08:54:00 PST


"11 things idiots do on Myspace"ONE W.A.K.E.U.P. there is NO SUCH THING as a myspace tracker. it does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid bulletins like "OH-EM-GEEEEE this WORKS!!!" no, it doesnt. TWO T...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:17:00 PST


1. Who ended your last relationship? "ME :'( -->AND WHADYA KN0W, HE T00K ME BACK. . . 2. When is the last time you shaved your legs? "N0 CLUE -->i'VE BEEN USiNG NAiR SiNCE LiKE F0REVER 3. What were ...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:32:00 PST


i dont understand why everyone is pestering me to find out what it is lol the only thing thats for is preparation as far as pink or blue and names (which we've finally decided on!). i mean, the way i ...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:53:00 PST


1. Long hair is not the most important factor. Some short hairstyles are bangin', short dicks aint. Get your priorities straight, stumpy. 2. Definition of a gold-digger: Former innocent, loyal, sweet,...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:25:00 PST


1. Talked to a jerk today? "NAA 2. Do you like anyone? "NAA. . . BUT i KiNDA L0VE S0ME0NE :-/ 3. Do you normally wash your hands after using the bathroom? "N0RMALLY?! TRY RELiGi0USLY!! L0L 4. Can ...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:13:00 PST


1. Talked to a jerk today? "NAA 2. Do you like anyone? "NAA. . . BUT i KiNDA L0VE S0ME0NE :-/ 3. Do you normally wash your hands after using the bathroom? "N0RMALLY?! TRY RELiGi0USLY!! L0L 4. Can ...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:13:00 PST


1. Have you had your birthday yet? "YUP YUP 2. Are you with the same person as you were at the beginning of 2007? "SURE THiNG! 3. Are you still in the same job? "NAA 4. Is your favorite color the s...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:04:00 PST


1. Is it cute when a boy calls you babe? "0NLY F0R 0NE ;) 2. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? "L0LLiP0P 3. What does your last incoming text message say? ""I'm a met you...on the ave."...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:57:00 PST


1. When was the last time you saw your number 2 on myspace? "LAST NiGHT ;) 2. Whats bothering you right now? "i'M STiLL C0NFUSED AB0UT THE SiTUATi0N 3. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again...
Posted by *The Ice Queen* on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:48:00 PST