L!nd$e¥ {R.i.P. ZACHARY. I <3 U!} profile picture

L!nd$e¥ {R.i.P. ZACHARY. I &lt;3 U!}

I am here for Friends

About Me

Im LinDseY.....I havE a daUghTer..hEr naMe iS CaiTlyN bRookE...sHe is thE swEeteSt thiNg EveR!....neXt to cHocoLate...hAHahah...i live on souThside wiT sHon/my auNt (the paRtieR of the faMily..haha..jk)..we call ouRselves the Heathers...haha.juss ask if u wanna know anything..aint too shabby...most tha time im juSS chiLLen...good times good times....there aint ever a dull moment arouNNd uss!....i do things spuRR of the moment....and i will try anything once....if i like it.....i might do it a few more times...haha...im jusSS cRazy like thAt.
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My Interests

anYthinG eXcitiNg

Name: Lindsey
Birthdate: November 5, 1987
Birthplace: Birmingham, AL
Current Location: Southside
Hair Color: blond/brown..black underneath
Height: 5"4
Weight: average
Piercings: 3
Tatoos: 2
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: ..........
Overused Phraze: whateVVV.
Food: hmMmM...IDK
Candy: sKittles
Number: 9
Color: pink/black
Animal: english bulldog :)
Drink: sweet tea
Alcohol Drink: bud light---margarita on the rocks!--patrone
Bagel: yuck
Letter: L
Body Part on Opposite sex: back
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coKe
McDonalds or BurgerKing: neiTher
Strawberry or Watermelon: stRawbeRry
Hot tea or Ice tea: iCe
Chocolate or Vanilla chocOlate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hOt cHoc. oR moCha frApp
Kiss or Hug: mmm boTh :)
Dog or Cat: doG
Rap or Punk: raP
Summer or Winter: winTer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: skeRRy
Love or Money: toUgh oNe..hahah..
Bedtime: wheneVer i geT tirEd
Most Missed Memory: naP tiMe in kiNdeRgarTen
Best phyiscal feature: eyeS..bOoty..bOobs
First Thought Waking Up: maN i goTs tA tiNkle!
Goal for this year: maKe moRe money
Best Friends: sHon
Weakness: niCe baCks
Fears: faLLin tO my deAth
Heritage: ????
Longest relationship: liKe 4 yeArs
Ever Drank: yEp
Ever Smoked: yeP
Pot: iN thE pasT
Ever been Drunk: yEs
Ever been beaten up: iN 9Th grAde..thIs hOOch thoUght i wAs trYin to taKe heR man
Ever beaten someone up: iT waS muTuaL
Ever Shoplifted: lOng tiMe agO
Ever Skinny Dipped: yeS
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: whO hasNt
Been Dumped Lately: nOpe
Favorite Eye Color: bLue/gReeN
Favorite Hair Color: daRk
Short or Long: shoRt
Height: taLLer thAn mE
Style: anYthiNg bUt eMo/hIck
Looks or Personality: boTh
Hot or Cute hOt
Drugs and Alcohol: doEsnt matTer
Muscular or Really Skinny: muScuLar
Number of Regrets in the Past: i leaRn froM my misTakes
What country do you want to Visit: nUn oF eM
How do you want to Die: iN my slEEp
Been to the Mall Lately: yEp
Do you like Thunderstorms: oH yeS!!....loVe maKin weAther
Get along with your Parents: mY moM
Health Freak: nAw
Do you think your Attractive: suRe do
Believe in Yourself: soMetiMes
Want to go to College: yEs
Do you Smoke: yeS
Do you Drink: yEs
Shower Daily: suRe dO
Been in Love: yeP
Do yo Sing: iN thE shoWer..tiL i geT choKed oN thE h2O
Want to get Married: oNe daY
Do you want Children: i haVe oNe...anOther iN liKe...laTe 20s
Have your future kids names planned out:
Hate anyone: nOpe


I'd like to meet:

Yunel Escobar, Eric BalfouR, FoRRest Gump :)) ....somebody who is respectful!.....
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moStly scaRRy onEs..but i do like forrest gump (now thats my dream man!!), saving private ryan, black hawk down, jarhead (mm my otha man is in that movie...jake g.)...i love war movies....duno why



dO magAzineS couNt?!...CosMopoLitan

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Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... unique