My words & my action are simply this: I am who I am, no more no less ~Me
I'm cool, I flow, I'm very poised, I'm a lady, refined, together & intelligent, I'm spiritually prepared & insightful, gifted, talented & anointed. I'm high maintenance, but I maintain me. I'm honest & forthright, I'm a good friend. I analyze everything, I have great depth but I hide it with my easy going demeanor. I can be hilariously random & sometime certifiable but never 5150. I LOVE LAUGHTER; moreover, I think I'm funny. I'm a prissy lady, but I'd go fishing (I'd get on your nerves, but I'd have a great time). I am a NO drama lady, I don't do scenes & I don't need to be seen. I have experienced everything; the good/bad high/low rich/poor happy/sad, all that life has handed me has molded me into a strong woman of essence, a lady of real meaning. This is how I genuinely love to love & care enough to make people feel loved. This is why I am who I am and I like who I am.
I AM NOT PERFECT! There is always room to grow & become more beautiful ~Dana♥ AKA Taryn D. Michaels (long kathy/dana story)
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