About Me
Jezgro benda nastalo je 1995. godine i, uz pojedine promene ili rokade u postavi, kao i nekoliko promena imena, kontinuitet grupe traje do danas. Ime PRLJAVI DRIPCI datira od 2001, kada je izaSao prvi DIY singl. Trenutno je u pripremi Cetvrti album.PodrZavamo aktivistiCke inicijative, samoorganizovanje, emancipaciju Zena i "manjina". ZalaZemo se za solidarnost i decentralizaciju moCi i vlasti. Zhelimo da se naSa muziCka scena razvije u snaZnu neprofitnu mreZu bez hijerarhije, nezavisnu od tzv. muziCke industrije.Preziremo drZave, religijske dogme, etnicizme, rasizme, Sovinizme i sliCna druStvena oboljenja. Smatramo da je bitno Sta ljudi imaju u glavi i da li su dobroCudni i otvoreni, a ne kojeg su porekla, boje koZe, kakva je njihova seksualnost ili versko opredeljenje itd itd itd itd itd itd itd.KonaCno,VLAST SE BORI ZA VLAST, NE ZA TVOJU DOBROBIT I SLOBODU&&&&&&&&&&&am
p;&&&&We have been performing under this name (THE DIRTY SCUMS) since 2001, although some of the members played together since 1995. The line-up consists of Goxy, Lestra, Shewa and Tosha.
Yane and Urke also spent some time in the band, and Ivan from the band Spit Liver played the bass at couple of shows. All three are, as well as the guys from the current line-up, from the blocks around Centre Sava in New Belgrade, and we have all been friends since childhood.
We made all albums by ourselves, with generous help from our friends, under the label 19a RECORDS. We think of our crew as members of the group, as without them and their help THE DIRTY SCUMS wouldn't be what they are today.
We support activist initiatives, self organising, emancipation of women and "minorities". We stand for solidarity and decentralisation of power. We want our music scene, as a non-hierarchical movement, to develop into a stronger autonomous and non-profitable network, separated from the music industry.
THE DIRTY SCUMS despise states, ethnicisms, imperialisms and similar diseases of society.