Head Thief profile picture

Head Thief

My Job's Not to Make the Joint Chiefs Comfortable.

About Me

Laziness is key. I'm a music snob. I'd love to live in Portland, Oregon; Iceland; or Boracay Island, Phillipines.

My Interests

Phil Spector's Hair


AIDS Mustache, Animal Collective, Air, Akron/Family, Album Leaf, Amina, Annie, Aphex Twin, Apples in Stereo, Arcade Fire, Architecture in Helsinki, Avalanches, The Band, Beach Boys, Beachwood Sparks, Beatles, Beck, The Beets, Belle and Sebastian, Black Mountain, Black Sabbath, Boards of Canada, Bob Dylan, Brian Eno, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Broken Social Scene, Bruce Springsteen, Caribou, Clientele, Clipse, Curtis Mayfield, Creedence Dan Bern, David Bowie, David Byrne, Dead Meadow, DFA 1979, Deerhoof, Destroyer, Devendra Banhart, Dinosaur Jr, DJ Shadow, Dr. Octagon, Dungen, Elf Power, Elvis Costello, Erlend Oye, Explosions in the Sky, Faust, Feist, Fiery Furnaces, Flaming Lips, Fujiya and Miyagi, Girl Talk, The Go! Team, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Grateful Dead, Grizzly Bear, Guided by Voices, Herbie Hancock, Hold Steady, Im From Barcelona, Immersive Dome Visualizations, Iron and Wine, Islands, Jay Z, Jenny Lewis, John Coltrane, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Kings of Convenience, Kraftwerk, LCD Soundsystem, Led Zeppelin, Lemon Jelly, Liars, Lightning Bolt, MIA, M83, Macho Man Randy Savage, Major Organ and the Adding Machine, Manitoba, Mars Volta, MMW, Mercury Rev, Michael Jackson, Miles Davis, Mogwai, Mountain Goats, My Bloody Valentine, My Morning Jacket, Neil Young, Neko Case, Neu!, Neutral Milk Hotel, New Pornographers, Of Montreal, Olivia Tremor Control, Oneida, Os Mutantes, Otis Redding, Panda Bear, Paul Simon, Pavement, Pearl Jam, Phish, Pink Floyd, Pixies, Polyphonic Spree, Rachel's, Radiohead, Rilo Kiley, Robert Fripp, Rolling Stones, Russian Futurists, Ryan Adams, Royksopp, Secret Machines, Serena Maneesh, Set Fire to Flames, Seu Jorge, The Shins, Sigur Ros, Silver Apples, Silver Jews, Simon and Garfunkel, Sleater-Kinney, The Slip, Slowdive, Sonic Youth, Spacemen 3, Spiritualized, Steely Dan, Stone Roses, Sufjan Stevens, Sunn0))), Sun Kil Moon, Talking Heads, Tarantula (A.D.), Television, Thievery Corporation, Tom Petty, Tortoise, Traffic, TV on the Radio, Unicorns, Valley of the Giants, Van Morrison, Vashti Bunyan, Velvet Underground, Ween, Who, Wilco, Wolfmother, Yo La Tengo, Zombies


Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2, Gerry, Annie Hall, Manhattan, The Fearless Freaks, March of the Penguins, Memento, The Big Lebowski, Adaptation, American beauty, Apocalypse Now, City of God, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Manchurian Candidate, The Producers, Pulp Fiction, Run Lola Run, Sideways, Spaceballs, Almost Famous, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, Airplane!


24, The Wire, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sopranos, Simpsons, Seinfeld, Arrested Development, Boy Meets World, Full House, Family Matters, Saved by the Bell, Random bad MTV shows: Next, Roomraiders, etc...


Vonnegut: Breakfast of Champions, Man Without A Country, Slaughterhouse Five, American Psycho (Ellis), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompson)