Ashlebelle profile picture


This just tastes like death- if you were to suck on Death's finger, that'd be the same as smoking a

About Me

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My Interests

Anthropology is my passion. I believe in culture and the inportance of culture yet i view it as nothing more than superficial. Nothing frustrates me more than a person that lacks the ability to step outside of his/her culture into another's to momentarily view life through the eyes of someone else. We are all of the same thread. Every human shares the same set of basic needs. We all have similar wants. Not to mention, we all originated from the same place. (Africa). I truly wish we'd learn to live in a world with no borders. Oh yeah, and whilst i'm on my soap box, i may as well add that i believe Jesus was 50 times more likely to sit down and smoke a bowl with his friends than drive a Hummer, litter, and gay-bash.

