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American Bulldogs

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About Me

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I have been expierenced with American Bulldogs for about 4 years and own two of them myself.
This Myspace is made for basic comprehension on the American Bulldog breed.
Feel free to add me or ask questions.
I want to let you know; I do not frequently login, so, please do not be offended if I respond back to you late.
American Bulldogs are loyal and stubborn dogs.
They also have huge personalities; protective, serious, strong, and big goof balls!
The energy level is high. Daily walks and exercise needed. American Bulldogs make a great family companion because they are good watch/guard dogs and can be very friendly with children.
Socialization is mandatory, raising American Bulldogs to understand that other people, dogs and children require respect is essential. American Bulldogs were originally bred to bullbait and hunt other livestock. American Bulldogs should be brave and curious never timid or shy. Professional Dog Training should be taken seriously and started at an early age-- if you are not willing to provide this for an American Bulldog then this dog is NOT the right breed for you. This breed of dog goes into the Mastiff group. They're talents include tracking, watchdog, guarding, hunting, and weight pulling. American Bulldogs are prone to Hip Dysplasia. Hip Dysplasia is a disease where the cartilage in their hips wear away to nothing. With proper care, dedication, attention, and love; your American Bulldog can live up to 16 years old or older.
Height Standard:

Males 22-27 inches; Females 20-25 inches
Weight Standard:

Males 75-125 lbs; Female 60-100
American Bulldogs are recognized by the following:
ABA =American Bulldog Association
ARF=Animal Research Foundation
UKC = United Kennel Club
NKC = National Kennel Club
NABA= National American Bulldog Association
ARBA=American Rare Breed Association
JDJB= John D. Johnson Bulldog registry
ABCC= American Bulldog Club of Canada
AABC= All American Bulldog Club
NKC = National Kennel Club
CKC = Continental Kennel Club
APRI = American Pet Registry Inc.
ACR = American Canine Registry
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