Member Since: 07/02/2007
Band Members: On TOp Of Dj'n My Lord Jesus ChrIsT Is Priority. Sometimes I fall Off on the wrong Path, BUt Im HuMaN And that makes Me Want to Have More Faith In Him. My Boy Mr. SHanNon Nasty on the Music Notes Is One of My main influences in my lIfe and His crazy faith makes me want to be closer and closer to the lord. the LoRd is My SaVior AND I'm hear to Serve Him Until I rEach The Gate and Become In His Presence And Turn INto a BeautiFul Angel N Live In THe HeaVens For eTernity!Dj Kalibur
Once started DJ'n in his rec room when he got his first set of turntables when he was 13 years old. Later on in his life he started listening to mixing on the radio and would instantly try to create what he had just heard. After time and practice that which never left his walls of his room. He started to promote himself as a DJ. Now at 18 years of age, he dj's from Proms to Clubs He continues to make his way up north to Seattle and DJ events and parties. (360-451-0438)
Record Label: mspmb src="