...::About Me::...<3
Full Name:: Kelli aka Kellz or Lady K
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 5'7
Shoe Size:: 8.5
Ring Size:: 7
Heritage:: African American
Graduating Year:: 1999
Birthdate:: March 26, 1981
Zodiac Sign:: Aries. . .so they tell me!
Concert:: Kris Kross. . .the boys that make you wanna jump
Best Friend:: Alecia Starling/Keisha Phelps
Crush:: um. . .don't remember
Pet:: Gold Fish. . .I miss Bubbles (R.I.P)...lol
Sport:: none
...::Have You Ever::...<3
Sky Dived:: Hell Naw, i'm black
Bungee Jumped:: Hell Naw again, I told you I'm black
Gone out of the Country:: Yes/ Central America-Honduras
Beaten Someone Up:: Yep
Gotten Beat Up:: Nope
Killed an Animal:: Nope
Swam in the Ocean:: Yes
Broke the Law:: Nope. . .okay, okay, okay, I have driven without my seatbelt
Smoked:: Yep
Chewed Tobacco:: Hell Naw
Drank:: Oh Yeah!!!
Been Kissed:: Tons. . .I'm a Flirt!!!
Been In Love:: Yes. . .and it hurts but, I was told it shouldn't hurt, go figure!
Dumped Someone:: Yep
Been Dumped:: Yep
Broken Someone's heart:: Yep
Had Your Heart Broken:: Yep
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back:: Nope
Broken A Bone:: Nope
Had Surgery:: Yep
Had an X-ray or MRI:: Yep. . .what the hell?
Failed a Class:: Nope
Food:: Soul
Drink:: Patron
Snack:: Strawberries
Cereal:: Apple Jacks
Ice Cream:: I'd rather have Strawberry Sorbet'
Candy:: Skittles
Restaurant:: Sweet Georgia Brown
Fast Food Place:: um. . .???
Store:: Don't have one but, I do go to Wal-Mart a lot
Animal:: Silky Terrier
Quote:: Strivers Achieve what Dreamers Believe
Sport To Play:: um. . .none
Sport To Watch:: um. . .none
Movie: anything by Tyler Perry
TV Show:: Don't have one
Type Of Music:: R&B, Hip Hop, Old Skool (Motown), Smooth Jazz
Band:: Boyz II Men and no they ain't played out!
Singer:: Don't have one
Song:: Dreams by Boyz II Men
Pepsi or Coke:: Coke
Vanilla or Chocolate:: Chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream:: Cake
McDonalds or Burger King:: Burger King
Love or Money:: Can't I have both???
Music or TV:: Music
Cat or Dog:: Dog
Mom or Dad:: Both. . .It took both of them to make me. . .What kind of shit is that?
Truck or Car:: Truck
Ocean or Lake:: Ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail:: Neither, I have AOL
Google or AJ:: Don't matter
Light or Dark:: Dark
Country or City:: City
Rain or Sunshine:: Sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...<3
First Thing You Notice:: His Smile
Personality or Looks:: Looks @ 1st then after a few minutes of convo, his personality
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Eye Color:: Hazel
Short or Tall:: Tall
Romanic or Spontaneous:: Romantic
Sense of Humor or Sweet:: Can I have both?
Hook up or Relationship:: Relationship
Feeling:: Ever so Lovely
Listening To:: Music
Wanna:: Finish this damn survey
Doing Besides Typing:: Talking on the phone
Thinking About:: Finishing this damn survey
Wearing:: A T-shirt and jeans
In Love:: um. . .
Single:: I told you I was mingling. . .Damn!
Best Friends:: ???
...::The Future::...<3
Career:: Education
Marriage:: Hopefully
Kids:: um. . .I'll have to see about that one!
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