talking yelling gazing listening meditating writing thinking reflecting cussing crying laying walking dressing up dancing punching acting reading recording stretching giggling holding kissing drawing watching
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dont judge me on what i listen.............. being more diverse is better than conforming to what music is "in" today.........
Pretty Woman!!!! shawshank redemption, donny darco, thirteen, all the scary movies, edward scissorhands, Kill Bill, pulp fiction, resevoir dogs, garden state, the notebook, house of wax (ya Paris), bowling for columbine, the green mile, trainspotting, american beauty, freddy got fingered, the jacket, taking lives
girl interupted, please stop laughting at me, gingerbread girl, prozac nation, needful things, green mile, shawshank redemption, kite runner, the davinci code, hearts in atlantis, all of the child called it books, harry potter duh.
dont look UP to anyone they will just let you DOWN