Student of many, master of none. I've gotten involved in a number of different interests in my young adult life. Music- I started out as a Scratch DJ, picked up a guitar at 13 and have done much since. I love making live music and watching live performances. It's great to see all the performers and artists do thier respective shows in San Francisco and the area. Martial Arts- my school is Villabrille-Largusa System, but as for Filipino Martial Arts, I started with Escrima Serrada. I took Okinawan Shonryu when I was young and later Wrestled and trained a little in Kickboxing. I also enjoy grappling, locks, and getting into it on the mats. I've practiced Qi Gong and energetics, and their healing powers. Traditional Chinese Medicine- student and practitioner for 4 years under the Wu System, Taoist healing practices and herbs to treat clients. Sports- I use to run long distances, go swimming and cycle. Basketball and pick-up soccer games are great, but I really like tennis. Profession- Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch. Still in the youth of my adulthood. I hope I'll be enjoying the same types of things for a long time. This is what I've gotten into so far and there will be so much more...