Hello EVERYONE out there!! Well this be Frances, Franny, whateva ya wanna call me a.K.a SWEETNESS and I am here today, at 1 something in the AM, to tell you a little bit about this AMAZiNG, WONDERFUL, EXTRAORDiNARy, iNTELLiGENT, CARiNG, LOViNG, && just everything else that comes along with those words, or along those lines at least!! I think I met this chick a think, almost 3 years ago. At one point, we did not speak for almost a year within these 3 years I am speaking of, due to some obvious reasons, which i rather not get into at this time, cuz not only will i get 'angry' about it but will you end up seeing a novel on this thing. HAHA! Anyway, before I go astray...just wanted to let the world && their grandmothers know that this gal is trustworthy, loyal, && OH MAN, just everything I already mentioned before. You know, scratch everything I have said, overall, she is just THAT great of a chick that, there are SIMPLY NO WORDS to TRULY && FULLY describe my Kells...My Cuteness. <3 So, just to make conversation,