* KittyKat * profile picture

* KittyKat *

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi. I'm Cat.
The corners of my mouth naturally turn down so I always look miserable, this is misleading as the majority of the time I am full of joy. Do not be fooled!
I laugh a lot . It has caused me to fall off chairs many a time.
Being tickled has this affect also. Usually accompanied by a loud squeek.
I am a vegetarian. I do not eat fish and it annoys me when people assume I do. Idiots?
I have strong views on most issues, but am entirely open to listening to other people's opinions. Debating is much fun.
I like painting my nails.
It really bugs me when I get a missed call from a witheld number.
I don't have much self control. At this moment in time I should most probably be conducting a psychology experiment. Oh dear.
Psychology is pretty damned interesting though.
I hate when people don't spell words properly. For example, saying 'den' instead of then.
I have a jealous personality. It causes me problems.
I effing love getting text messages for no reason. They make me happy.
In fact, I just love getting text messages in general.
I play the viola/violin/piano. And love to sing, badly.
People walking really slowly in front of me is annoying to the extreme.
I have billions of clothes. However, I can never find anything to wear.
I can't help but smile whenever I see cute children. One day I hope I will be a good mum.
Acting rocks my socks.
As does eyeliner.
One of my eyebrows is higher than the other. This gives the impression that I constantly disapprove of everything, which is not so. Also, if I look like I am dogging you up for no reason, this is most probably not the case, it is just my face.
I listen to and love most music. It amazes me how it can evoke such powerful feelings. I seem to relate most of my memories to particular bands or songs.
Dancing is well fun. Especially if slightly tipsy and with friends.
I could watch wildlife programs for hours.
I used not to get on so well with my family, we still have our ups and downs but, given the choice, I wouldn't even consider changing them.
My head is always full of what ifs.
Films are great. Yet for some reason I tend to fall asleep in them lots.
I read my old history textbooks for fun. Sad? Yes.
I spend fuckloads on credit. Appart from that, I have absolutely no idea where my money goes.
I quite like spiders. But it scares me that they move so fast because when I don't know where they are I worry that I might accidentally squash them. Such things make me feel very guilty.
Whoever invented pasta was a legend.
Hot water bottles are fecking lush.
It bothers me when people judge others by what they do (job-wise) or how smart they are etc. This does not necessarily have any bearing on their personality. E.g. deciding whether or not someone is worthy of your company based on the university they go to is idiotic and ignorant.
I'm lazy, but trying to work on it.
I say 'GET IN' far too much. My year 10 history teacher would have been proud. All hail Mister Buckland!
I often randomly burst into song. When I say song, it can be anything. At the moment a personal favourite is the babybell jingle.
I have lost contact with a couple of people that meant a hell of a lot to me and I really miss them. But am too stubborn to let them know (not something I'm proud of - just a fact). A connection and friendship like that should not be thrown away - maybe one day, if they agree and are braver than me, they will tell me they feel the same? I hope so. Thankyouplease.
I'm petrified of the past repeating itself.
This may be why I am so uber protective over the friends I do have. I love them.
I thank my lucky stars approximately 2857498673946873459683486379 times a day. It makes me smile :)
I realise this makes me sound like a pillock. Yet I am not so sure it bothers me enough to do anything about it. Maybe I will edit it soon.
I like being in someone's arms. Feeling Safe. Knowing that nothing can touch me.
Hugs make me well happy. I'm good at them. I would love to do something like this:
All You Need Is Love.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone, feel free to add away.
Someone to bring me flowers and treat me like a princess

I generally think the best of everyone until they give me a reason not to. There are bad people out there but I can never understand why. I Like to think that they have mental issues.

My Blog

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