[anti-texx] profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I Play Lead Guitar for Fear The Slaughter but were in the Process of Finding the other members... Im Really into Music!!! I like to listen to alot of Metal and old punk, fast-ass punk! Ive been playing guitar and writing music for about 3 or 4 years now... I like traditional and digital photography, Filming for the Damage Inc. Video, Drawing and creating crazy shit... Mostly just hangin out with friends and havin a good time...HIT ME UP!

My Interests

Shredding the guitar, Writing Tunes for FEAR THE SLAUGHTER, Going to shows in PDX. Skateboarding with the DAMAGE INC. crew. Going to Department Of Skateboarding in PDX. Trying to get into a school for Video Editing, And/Or Audio Engineering.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who is really chill and laidback, but likes to have a good time. Someone whos into Music and arts and goin to Shows!!!

Type Here!


[email protected]


Lotsa Fast ass METAL And PUNK!!! Just check out my Friends list!!!


Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Shining, Hamburger Hill, GRANDMAS BOY, A Clockwork Orange, Red Dawn, Super Size Me, Requiem for a Dream, Pink Floyd-The Wall, Donnie Darko, Jesus' Son, The Tesseract, Pay it Forward, Signs, "1991" The Year Punk Broke!, Sid & Nancy, Skate videos, Crusty Demons MX Videos, SLC Punk, SAW, Punk: Attitude, The Ring 1&2, Nirvana- With The Lights Out DVD, Eds Ramones video, Eds Judas Priest video, Eds AC/DC video, Eds Mudvayne DVD


Thrasher Magazine, Transworld SKATEboarding, Guitar One, Guitar World, Guitar Tablature books, One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish, Hop on Pop (I can read all by myself so FUCK OFF!!) Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Cut, Kurt Cobain: Journals!!


!! Not Heroes !! Rather.. "Influences" Mike Virus, Glenn Danzig, Bones, Kurt Cobain, Roger Waters, Corey Beaulieu, Matt K. Heafy, DIMEBAG, Kirk Hammet, James Hetfield, All the Bands I listen to, Corey Duffel, Andrew Reynolds, Ali Boulala, Dustin Dollin, Geoff Rowley, Eric Ellington, NECKFACE! Damage inc. Crew.. The masters of Metal that make me want to learn more shit on guitar.