The Band Bermuda (bermudaz) profile picture

The Band Bermuda (bermudaz)

About Me

Our debut album on

My Interests


Member Since: 2/7/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Omar - Guitar
Ingvar - Keys
Gunni - Drums
Peter - Bass
Iris Holm - Vocals
Influences: Jamiroquai, Erykah Badu, Madonna, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Brand New Heavies, Steely Dan, James Brown, Weather Report, Lenny Kravitz, James Taylor, Peter Gabriel, Destiny's Child among others :
Sounds Like: A mixture of R&B, pop, funk, and some fusion stuff now and then.
Record Label: Hringurinn

My Blog

Sem áður var (live) Frá útgáfutónleikum 2008
Posted by on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 14:42:00 GMT

Útgáfutónleikar miðvikudaginn 27. feb kl 20:30 á Rúbín Öskjuhlíð

ÚTGÁFUTÓNLEIKARHljómsveitin BERMUDA heldur útgáfutónleika plötunnar "NÝR DAGUR" í næstu viku. Útgáfutónleikarnir verða miðvikudagskvöldið 27. febrúar næstkomandi kl. 20:30 á Rúbín í Öskjuhlíð (hjá Kei...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 19:27:00 GMT