F ormed in November 2004 as a result of a sudden inner impulse , Vermis Antecessor – Iván, Chebe, Diego, Camilo and VÃctor – is more than just a brutal death band, Vermis Antecessor is the only way of showing our musical manifesto in connection with our human convictions. For that purpose, we began from zero, isolated from the rest of the brutal death scene and without any sort of influence, to develop the idea of our own style, merging each of our individual idiosyncrasies into a collective concept.
Four years later, in 2008, at the close of an arduous epoch of creation and self obliteration it was time to arise, come out of the Cave and reflect our concept of what Brutal Death means. Nine months after would be born The Origin of Brutality.
V ermis Antecessor, animal ancestor of the human conscience and common forefather of the barbarism of man, link lost in our lineage and fossil roots of our filogenetic tree. You, our radix communis organismorum, hear our offerings!
Vermis Antecessor, the well from which the most primitive, brutal and irrational instincts of the human condition arise, source of our sublime cleverness but also of the cruellest atrocities! Vermis, selfish gene of an endless race, parasitize my bowels and live on my suffering, you, the Eternal passenger, hear our offerings!
Vermis |'bermis|
The rounded and elongated central part of the cerebellum, between the two hemispheres.
Origin late 19th cent.: from Latin, literally ‘worm.’
Antecessor |an'teΘesor|
An early type of animal or plant from which others have evolved. An early version of a machine, artifact, system, etc., that later became more developed.
Origin from Latin: antecedere, from ante ‘before’ + cedere ‘go.’
Contact: [email protected]
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