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About Me

Hello and Welcome to my page!, Im an American (from Atlanta, Georgia) living in & creating artwork in the United Kingdom..................................................... ....................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................................................ ......................................... ...........................Artist's Statement: Kelly Gorman................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ................. .....................Kelly Gorman’s work exposes hidden truths. Gorman takes on the role of an artist with a kind of investigation that is best described as visual journalism. Through her process of making, found resources and mixed media are used in the production of collage and experimental video. Resistance of cultural, racial, and religious norms take shape within the work. Often, animal imagery is used in representation of humankind’s struggle to achieve intelligence and superiority. People’s attempt at a transcendence of animalistic behavior is not always achieved. The subtle ways in which mass commercialization often reinforces negative stereotypes onto culture, race and gender has detrimental effects. Gorman’s work challenges these images, exposing agendas that are hidden in media and the global collective conscious. Often, the work suggests cross-cultural critique, juxtaposing historical images of British culture with past and present day images of American culture. Her concentration in American culture consists of an investigation of images that have to do with American Hip Hop Culture. The ‘hybrid’ nature of her practice allows for the critical participation of mass media imagery in her work. Effectively, a subtle aesthetic of fluidity between digital, painterly, and found resources is created. ............................................................ .......................................... ............................................................ ....................... ................ ......................... "The world is choas. During the creation of art, the artist seeks to achieve order out of choas. My studio becomes a miniature world. Within this world I achieve order through the act of creating." ~Kelly Gorman...................................................... ................................. ............................................................ ......"It is easier to rebel against something once or if you are able to determine a certain amount of space from it." ~Kelly Gorman...................................................... ........ "Thanks so much for stopping by my page." ~Kelly Gorman .............................................. ...................... ..............*All Artworks Copyright 2008 by Kelly Gorman........................................ .............................. Ma Palette:.................................................... ....................................................... ................... ................ Come visit my store on CafePress! ............................................................ ............... .........................................

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My Blog

"The Problems of Feminism in Relation to Hip Hop Feminist Critique" by Kelly Gorman

For most of my life in the United States, I have grown up in "The South". Specifically, I'd have to call Atlanta, Georgia my "home". "For many generations, the South has remained an agrarian society...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 08:37:00 GMT

"Art Practice as a Vehicle for Intuitive & Visual Research" (Within Collage) by Kelly Gorman

Intro My research within Fine Art Practice includes Intuition as Research and Visual Research. I will be pursuing a Qualitative approach. Qualitative Research investigates meanings, concepts, metapho...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 08:31:00 GMT

Women & Creativity: From Simone de Beauvoir

Found this writing while researching for my theory essay and puttingtogether things for my blog. Just thought i would share if anyone getsa chance to read, it's interesting. and inspiring, i think. so...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 07:55:00 GMT

My MA Fine Art Blog @

Click Here
Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:10:00 GMT

Hey Artists!- My Slide Processing Place Recommendations- Atlanta & L.A.

I know its hard to figure out where to go sometimes...especially if you move to a new place.....So, Thought I'd share for any Atlanta or Los Angeles artists the places that I found best for Slide Proc...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 23:48:00 GMT

Americans For the Arts Ad

Found this in a Vogue and wanted to share, thought it was great.
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 19:38:00 GMT