DIY FEST CALL OUT for ParticipantsDo It Yourself Festival (DIY FEST)
Friday, September 7 2007, 11am-6pm
Ukrainian Cultural Centre
3277 Douglas St.
Victoria, BC, Coast Salish Territories
http://victoriaanarchistbookfair.caOn September 7th (11am till 6:00pm), The Ukrainian Cultural Centre
will transform into a local "Do It Yourself Festival" or "DIY FEST."
Arts'n'Crafts, Music, Performances, Bikes, and Workshops
will fill the afternoon with feeling of connected community. Please
come support a local, volunteer run safe space to support (and share)
Local Independent Art, and those who create it.This is a CALL OUT to those out there wishing to participate in any
way possible. The entire event is free to all that wish to
participate however to cover our costs we ask that if you can donate
any please do, as we must pay the centre for staffing the event.We are looking for lots of help on many levels:Volunteers (local merch table, info table, door, security, coat check)Distros and info tables, zinesters, t-shirt makers, artists, and jewelry makersworkshop & games facilitators,
acoustic/accapella performers,
local collective representatives,
independent artists of all sorts,
family & children support,
community organizations,As well as people to attend, our friends, allies and supporters, and
those wanting to make positive change in their communityIf you are interested, know someone who may be,
or want to recommend someone that c/s/would be,
please contact us @
[email protected]
[email protected]
and we will reply.This event is a Family Friendly, Queer and Trans friendly, event, that
is fully wheel Chair accessible and open to all people regardless of
age, gender, size, body type, ethnic background or sexual preference.
No Homophobia, Sexism, Racism, Classist, Abellism, or other
oppressive/repressive behaviors and prejudices will be tolerated in
this space. If you have any concerns about accessibility, please feel
free to contact us at any time.We look forward to hearing from you
Do what you love!