Welcome to Core Studios official MySpace page!!!
Core Studios was founded by Tony Davis and Roberto Armstrong. After collaborative projects with Legacy Entertainment ACC they later began to develop their joint creator owned project, Bushi: Warrior Caste. And have since expanded the studios creative team with several new members and become a part of Dark Elf Designs production company. And with some new projects on the horizon Core Studios hopes to introduce comic fans to new characters and universes. And expand the boundaries of imagination. COMING SOON!!!
NIGHT PREDATORS PREVIEW (W) Kurt Anthony Krug & Roberto Armstrong (A) Terrell Culbert,Roberto Armstrong,Terry Pavlet,Abel Ramirez;Rick Bonilla (I) Darryl Anderson & Roberto A. (Cov) Roberto Armstrong & Brian Germain Enter the dark side of the Core universe with this special prelude to the Night Predators one-shot coming in 2009! In a world of ancient super natural beings,black ops agencies and secret societies, two government special agents, Kinte Jones and Maria Alonzo stand between us and the dark forces mounting against humanity. Their mandate: Defeat theses ancient forces of darkness or all is lost!
Packed full with a direct lead into the Night Predators one-shot by Kurt Anthony Krug and Terrell Culbert an interview with creator Roberto Armstrong,character bios, sketchbook material by Roberto Armstrong & guest artist Terry Pavlet,Abel Ramirez and Rick Bonilla this is one preview you don't want to miss!!!
B/W 20 pages $3.00