Kathie profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


My Interests

A walk ANYWHERE, when the sun is just beginning to set. Gardening (Yep...thats a new one)(My tomotoes, snap-dragons and roses look PURDY) Wine tasting or should I just be real...OK how about WINE! Cooking...Expanding my recipe knowledge... Reading a book thats worthwhile. One that you dont want to put down.

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd like to meet....Lets see here. Well how about ANYONE who is REAL. Thats a start in the right direction. I love people who are fun, whitty, humorous, ambitious, family oriented and anyone who can laugh at themselves. Because if you can laugh at yourself then you are comfortable in your own skin. So laugh and enjoy life. Always be true to yourself and others, people will LOVE YOU for it...


Almost EVERYTHING but HARD ROCK, Yuck! But otherwise I JUST LOVE MUSIC!!!!!


The Notebook, You've got Mail, RAW, Beaches, My Own Home Movies(of course), Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates, Princess Bride, The Secret Garden, American Beauty, Erin Brokivich, Pretty Woman, SLIDING DOORS(Great Flick), American History X and not to forget Forever Young. I am sure there is many more but thats as many as I feel like racking my brain with.


The Cosby Show, I Love Lucy, Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor(Corny, I know), Silver-Spoons, Small Wonder, The Apprentience, Friends, Seinfield, Home Improvement, Sex in the City, Queer Eye for a straight guy, Everybody loves Raymond and the KTLA Morning Show.


Tuesdays with Morrie, The 5 people you meet in Heaven, Bringing down the House, Mr. Poppers Penguins, The Wedding, Any Good Poem(Not the Title), DaddyLong-Legs, Why do Men have Nipples and Creating a Life Worth Living.


MY MOTHER, MY FATHER, MY GRAMMY, MY AUNT PHYLLIS, MY AUNT CAROL and my cousin KRISTIN. They are all my heroes for many different reasons. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

My Blog

Daddys Day

Today was my first fathers day without my dad.  I miss him alot.  I wish he was here.  Oh, do I wish he was here........  One does not realize how much they confide and trust someo...
Posted by Kathie on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:51:00 PST