MySpace Layouts
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finding new music, art, web design, the desert, animals, football (go broncos), sunglasses, interesting people, reading, sunny days, sea cliffs, surfing, long backpacking trips, meditation, constellations, fresh squeezed orange juice, coffee, foreign languages, foreign films, sailor jerry tattoos, teenage mutant ninja turtles, adult swim, slack lining, rock climbing, new york city, good shows, good parties, being mishchevious, yoga, traveling, hitch-hiking, good vibes
couch surfers
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." -Jack Kerouac
rehab, oar, andrew bird, neutral milk hotel, bad religion, rolling stones, ben harper, the business, led zepplin, billy idol, the vines, ramones, conflict, the faint, the darkness, blondie, catch 22, guns and roses, the clash, david bowie, saves the day, ani difranco, sublime, mankind, dead kennedys, children of bodom, the cure, slightly stoopid, the jesus and mary chain, imogen heap, the distillers, yeah yeah yeah's, coldplay, beck, black sabbath, bob marley, harum scarum, offspring, judas priest, the smiths, the old favorite blink 182, grey matter, tom petty, pepper, rx bandits, neurosis, bread and water, iron maiden, the misfits, aus rotten, g love, hot hot heat, smashing pumpkins, acdc, black flag, alice cooper, bjork, the cars, dropkick murphys, jack johnson, john cruz, ozomatli, manu chao, new york's pretty cool i guess.
not shitty ones. any movie that is well done or funny. true romance, (most tarantino). tim burton movies, the rare good horror film.
weeds, sopranos, californication, dexter
too many favorites to list...some of the winners include: whitman, salinger, osho
anyone who can solve a rubix cube.