About Me
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich NietzscheThanks for checkin this out. You can call me J. I got into this style of music probably in my early teens. Around 13 or 14 or so. Its been a huge part of my life ever since. A lot my my life has been an empty void. I had to go to 6 diffent school districts having to start from scratch again each time. Few serous relationships. Few close friends. A lot of backstabbers. Shit made me old real quick! But don't get it twisted I still like to chill and have fun. Music helps fill the void that is left by such things. For a minute you forget about your problems and begin to uplift your mood. If no one appreciates it at least you can be proud of something. I really dont know how to explain it. Hip-hop is like a close friend that never leaves you. Their really isint a second it itsnt on my mind. Sometimes I feel like an outcast because of it. I feel although there are a few people who feel this way too. Most people are into rap for all the wrong reasons. Like getting money, chicks, cars, popularity, etc. I never felt of it this way. I look at it on more of a creative side like art, graffitti, and just life in general. you can see hip-hop everywhere. From factories in the distance, to the beat up rowhouse, to the homeless man and the desperation around us, to everyone in the everday struggle trying to make it in this short life we inherit from someone, somewhere. Ive had five near death experiences. People really just need to be happy they are still here breathing. We all die, but, while you are here make the most of it. Appreciate everything you can out of this place while you can. Sometimes I take it for granted to and I need to kick myself in the head and realize the bigger picture. Thanks for checking us out. Drop me a line and let me know what you think or how your doing. Peace.O yeah and leave any negative comments to yourself. I deal with enough shit on a daily basis to not give a damn if you aint down with the music. Were just having some fun. We not out to be the greatests Mcs or whatever we are just mad fans of hip-hop music. Its a good outlet and if you dig it thanks we work our ass on it. If not thats cool too but don't go on hatin on the internet like your some kind of myspace badass or somthin. That shit would just be real wack. I don't talk shit to anyone unless they got beef with me. I usually just keep positive vibes to the other rap heads on myspace that I hear. Basically you can't know a person because of a stupid web page. So don't hate on people you don't even know. You don't know what he or she have been through. I see people hating all the time on others on here and its just mad childish. I just thought I'd throw that out there. Unless the bastard is hatin on you. Then its an eye for an eye you bastard hahaha. So just saying do onto others like you would want to be done ontp yourself. Quid pro Quo. Thx. Justin.divtopnav {
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