?? -- Martial Arts, Comics, Music, Robots, Faeries, Mushrooms, Flying Machines, Digitally Simulated Realities (for fun), and Ninja Girls (KUNOICHI). That's about it.
People with an appreciation of comic art, and those who recognize it as the truly beautiful and expressive art form that it is. Eccentrics need not apply. As Devo says, "Were THROUGH bein' cool". Fellow Manga influenced artists and fans of the comic art genre, Japanese style or not. People who don't waste their time trying to show me how much better of an artist they are than I am, while imitating my approach and subject matter (you know who U are, don't ya?). Anyone who influences minds for the better, and take care of their responsibilities to FAMILY, Health, and Spirit. Mad props to all Mutants, Outcasts, BLACK SHEEP, intellects, martial artists, defenders of freedom, visionaries and philosophers. We know who we are, don't we? ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
All kinds, preferably Old school Punk, New Wave, Bebop Jazz, Funkadelic, SMART Hip Hop, Jungle/Drum n'Bass, and of course, Rude boy Ska, Dancehall, Rock Steady, Psychobilly, I even got a MEAN but critical HEAVY METAL streak... I think you'd ALL be quite impressed with my musical KNOWLEDGE & APPRECIATION. All the good stuff, no corporate stew, Thank you very much...
ALL of Hayao Miyazaki (Japanese artist that stands above the rest) creations, Children of Men, Original Trilogy Star Wars, Blade Runner, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Mad Max, Iron Monkey, V for Vendetta, Chinese Connection, Brazil, Yojimbo, The Dark Crystal, anything with Muppets, Seven Samurai, Fearless, House of Flying Daggers, City of Lost Children, Big Trouble in Little China, Jet Li's HK films, AKIRA.. more of a director buff than I am concerned about actors. Jarmusch, Lynch, Gilliam, Cronenberg, Carpenter, Coen Bros., Suzuki, Kurosawa, Yuen Woo Ping, Tsui Hark... etc.
T.V. is a dangerous renegade enemy from Mars that causes people to become unhealthy sociobot followers, or MEDICATED PARANOIDS. DVD's are cool but T.V. sucks! (Unless your'e watching NARUTO !!!) ... Now DVD's are a different matter. Anime... The 1990's version of Giant Robo, Macross Plus, Original Ninja Scroll, Fist of the North Star, Wings of Honneamise, Tetsuwan Atomu (Astro Boy), The Hakkenden, Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Naruto, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, AKIRA, Ghost in the Shell, Noein, Escaflowne,... Other animated loves are: Rankin Bass "Lord of the Rings" episodes, Ralph Bakshi's WIZARDS, Rock n' Rule, Pink Floyd's The Wall... You get where I'm goin', eh??
"Making of" books on how films are made, Sci-Fi, Comics, Manga, Graphic Novels, The Tao Te Ching, The Book of Five Rings, The Hagakure,Thirteen treatises of Tai Chi Chuan,The Doctrines of K'ung Fu Tse (Confucius), and Yukio Mishima stuff.
Mom and Dad, Malcolm X, Bruce Lee,Jet Li, Fishbone (Angelo Moore AKA - Dr. Madd Vibe), Joe Strummer, Gojira (Godzilla), Bruce Wayne, Iggy Pop.