I live in a house with my boyfriend Tyson, our two dogs Max and Rex, 2 turtles, a pet spider called Celine, a green tree frog and hundreds of tropical fish.
I have a Bachelor of Arts degree (graduated last year) in Cultural Heritage Management, Human Resources Management, and also did some Sociology, Creative Writing and Communications.
I work at the Australian National University, where I started in November last year, and am extremely happy and comfortable there. I love it!
I love my family. My mum and dad are awsome (is it really uncool to like your parents?!?). My sisters are very different from each other, and from me. My older sister is blonde and blue eyed, and my younger sister is blonde (currently dyed brown) and about 6 ft tall! But it means we can hang out and no one thinks that we are sisters! Yay!
I have a habit of crashing cars. First the laser, then the charade, then the Gemini last year, but I am hoping that the latest addition to my car list is going to stay with me for a while....
I love Calvin and Hobbes, and Fox 8.
I love my new car, and I love all my friends, but there is no way I am listing them all by name coz i know i will end up leaving someone out and they will have the shits at me...
I love reading the Property Guide on Saturdays, and buying cooking magazines, and roaming the isles of supermarkets for hours and hours.
I love to go to Melita early on a Saturday morning and have breakfast with my mum.
And deep down i think i know that I'm truly a bit of a loser!
Check out my Sisters' MySpace pages:
Because I think they ROCK ! ! !