MARCO RUBERTO profile picture



About Me

..............................................ITA........... ............................................... Nato a Roma il 1980.Da bambino comincia a suonare la batteria e si appassiona di musica Rock, Punk e Metal. Durante la sua adolescenza fa parte di importanti band nella scena Underground, incide numerosi dischi anche come chitarrista e suona in quasi tutta l'Europa. Nel frattempo scopre la musica elettronica e accresce il suo bagaglio grazie agli anni d'oro dei primi Tecno-Rave. Dal 2000 comincia a frequentare i club e i locali, trova nuove sonorità e direziona le sue doti artistiche con l'influenza di musicisti come Sven Vath, Richie Hawtin, Mathew Jonson e John Dahlback. Negli anni, da dj, suona in diverse discoteche romane come Rashomon e Saponeria. Nell'ultimo anno concentra tutte le sue esperienze nella composizione delle sue prime tracce, mescolando virtuosismi ritmici e melodie elettriche di impatto alla nuova Minimal-Tecno. Nel 2008 è in attesa la sua prima uscita in vinile con un importante label tedesca. ..............................................ENG........... ...........................................Born in 1980 in Rome, Italy. He began playing the drums since he was a child and develops a passion towards Rock, Punk and Metal music. During his adolescence, he was a member of many important Underground bands and cut numerous records and as a guitarist played in almost all of Europe. In the meantime, he discovered electronic music as his store of knowledge grew thanks, to the first “golden years” of Techno-Rave music.. Since 2000 he has been playing clubs and locals finding new sounds and his artistic gift was greatly influenced by such musicians as Sven Vath, Richie Hawtin, Matthew Jonson and John Dahlback. Years working as a deejay, he played in various Roman discos such as Rashomon e Saponeria. In this last year he has concentrated all his experience on composing his first impact tracks mixing virtuosity rhythms and electric melodies to the new Minimal-Techno. Expecting out in 2008 is his debut vinyl on a important german label....................................................... .................................................... ............................................................ ..............................................
How I made my profile:
I used 's amazing MySpace Editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 2/6/2007
Band Website: e-mail : [email protected]
Type of Label: None