guessing, sign language, sudoku, yellow everything, sleeping, eating, drinking. water, :)s and love, God and his embrace, gut feelings, tokinnn...picccshaz, and videos. singing till i cant breathe and being with people i love. i love being places where i like to be. i really like music and making up words. and JOKES, dc[bb] dumbass points and nubbz? i like helping people, and texting. writing pointless letters and reading them. CLEANING! being FREEEEE, and dreaming. reading when i want to, and what i want to. hellos and never goodbyes. REALfriends and famdizzle. SNOW and 75 degree weather. driving cause i can NOW. getting down with loved ones. not rememberng wtfffhappenedd? oh yeah what happened. SPELLING&GRAMMAR. irony and phone calls. opposites and 90s. oh and wisdom. not to mention davids lame cds. and our videos? cities and beauty.. plus GOOD CONVERSATIONS. songs wiff my name in em. and babies. i love babies. i want to have eight thousand of them !
---- helllo i am 13 years young
the early november.
Edward Furlong
I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6