♥I Love Being Kayson's Mommy!♥ profile picture

♥I Love Being Kayson's Mommy!♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Comments
Hey, My name is Shawna. I'm 18. I live in Clayton, Wisconsin. I call the town Small Little Drama Town. I had my baby girl on Thursday February 5th, 2009. Kayson Marie Johnson, 7lbs, 5oz, & 19 inches long! She's soo mine. You can tell by how ADORABLE she is. She looks just like me :D.. I have 3 nephews & a niece. Matthew, Mitchell, Ethan, & Kenzie. They are brats at points. But what can you say. You ought love them. i'm a slut cause i'll wear shorts & a tank top, i'm a bitch cause i Don't let you push me around, i'm a Liar because i wont tell you my secret, i'm dumb cause sumtimes i'm wrong, i'm ugly cause ii Don't Look Like a moDeL, i'm a slut cos i Like to fliirt, i'm annoying cause ii talk, i'm a loser cause i'm not friiends with your gRoup, i'm fake cause most of the time i'm happy i'm weird because i'm not like you i'm clingy cos ii like to be around peoplee, i'm greedy because ii like to be satisfied, i'm naive because im younger than you, i'm conceited because i like who i am, i'm rude because my manners aren't perfect, i'm unappreciiative because ii don't praise you. so don't try to tell me who i am because i already know! I like to meet new people. I'm a bitch when it comes to drama or PMS. I love to text. I like to babysit. I love babies. I love to tan. Yesh I fake bake. My cell is always by me. Yahoo Id is: santa_baby_747@yahoo.com Msn Id is: Miss_Brat4207@hotmail.com I have blue eyes. I have brown hair. I'm a different from all the other gurls. I can be sweet. I love to sweet talk. I don't break hearts I fix them. I'm always here if you need a friend. I'm a good listener. ♥Shawna Marie♥[Background]
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Jesse & I ain't together no more. But I will always & forever love him & think about him too. I hope he will realize that I love him & wouldn't do anything to hurt him. I love you Jesse James && I MEANT IT!Friends!! This Gurl. She's like my little sister. I've knew her since she was 2.. She's now 12.. She's a weird amazing person. I mean WEIRD. She's soo random it's funny as fuck.. One night she could to stay at my place. it was me, her, Julie, & Megan. Well I was trying to get them all to go to bed... Yeahhhhhh rightttt... Alexis go to bed??? PSHHHHHTT so she sat up.. & was rocking back & ward.. Saying pickle fucker & whatever else she put in it.. & then wow.. She's just a crazy little preteen. But she's great to make you laugh.. She's like never down..This is my best friend Kitty. She's always there when I need her. She's one of my greatest friends. I have a bestestestest bestie named Frankie. He lives in Canada. We dated off & on for like a year. But we always became besties after fighting & breaking up. I love him to death. He's always there to listen to my problems.. He's sooo great. BESTIE I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH! Thanks for everything you have done for me.. It meants the world to me.. This is my yah-sister & her husband. They are sooo awesome. She makes me happy & she tells that god loves me :]. I love you sissy!
Highschool Musical Locker Decorator

no wayyy!!!!!!!!

My Interests

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I'm done looking. You want me. You can fight for me! Cause honey I ain't letting NO MAN in my heart unless I know you are completely committed to me!! :)

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My Blog

Mike Sparre

eWell, there's this Mike guy. I really like him. He's 31, never been married, & I don't think he has any kids.. He's a great guy from what I've seen. He's not like any of my exes..  Which is a good th...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:51:00 GMT

Dream I had Sunday Night & Dream I had Monday Night.

eHey, What's up?? Nothing much. Well, I'm going to tell you about my dreams. They are scarey! Well, my sunday night dream.. I was in Jesse's explorer talking to him while we were driving around tellin...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:29:00 GMT

Now to my new life.

It's the best ever. Kayson today is six weeks old. She's getting sooo big. But I'm treasuring the memories with her as much as I can. She goes to Josh's every other weekend. She loves Sherm to death. ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:40:00 GMT


Well, I miss Jesse. Yes I do. But I can't have him in my life when all he's gonna do is hurt me all over again & hurt my daughter Kayson Marie. I will always & forever care for him. I don't know if I ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:36:00 GMT

Jesse's Ringtone! LMAO!

"Call Me When You're Sober"Don't cry to me.If you loved me,You would be here with me.You want me,Come find me.Make up your mind.Should I let you fall?Lose it all?So maybe you can remember yourself.Can...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 21:17:00 GMT

Poem. Secrets!

Secrets, secretsLies, liesShe sits in her room,and cries and cries.There's no more trustIn this girl's heart.She finally found outThat life isn't perfect.She lived in dreams,As children often do.But s...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 17:53:00 GMT

I got my wish & dream!

I got my baby girl. Kayson Marie Johnson. I Love Her So Much. I'm so happy I'm found out what I'm having cause I have my baby girl to love & to look forward too showing her the world. I Love You K...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 18:50:00 GMT


"Gunpowder & Lead"County road 233, under my feetNothin' on this white rock but little ole meI've got two miles till, he makes bailAnd if I'm right we're headed straight for hell[Chorus:]I'm goin' ...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 15:15:00 GMT

Just poems..

I'm sorry I left youI'm sorry I'm not thereI'm sorry for everythingI'm sorry I didn't careI'm sorry for the argumentsI'm sorry for the fightsI'm sorry for the things I saidI'm sorry, you were rightI'm...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 23:04:00 GMT

Sad..Gurl Dumps Boy Cause She Gots Cancer & Was On Life Support

girl- heyboy- i missed u at school 2day, y weren't u there?girl- yeah, i had to go to the doctor.boy- oh rele? y?girl- oh nothin, annual shots, thats all.boy- ohgirl- so wht did we do in math 2day?bo...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 22:35:00 GMT