Tim McMullen profile picture

Tim McMullen

The Greatest Threat to Democracy is Hypocrisy!

About Me

Since 1965, I have been writing songs: Songs of passion and compassion, songs of humor and healing, songs of anger and action, songs of joy and justice.Although most of my works are solo acoustic pieces—as in the autobiographical collection "To Make A True Story Short," and in "All's Not Fair...," a collection of anti-war/pro-choice topical songs—on the CD, "I Could Write You A Song," I worked with my longtime friend, songwriter and arranger, Tim Clott, to include multiple instruments on about half of the tracks."Second-String Songman," my homage to Jim Croce's musical collaborator, Maury Muehleisen, the gifted singer/songwriter/instrumentalist who was killed in the same plane crash that took Croce's life, can be found on a wonderful website maintained by Maury's sister, Mary, at www.maurymuehleisen.com. It is also found on the Tribute Songs page at http://www.jimcrocefans.com.My book, "Aged 50 Years, A Life in Song"—is a collection of about 120 original songs (and a few poems) with autobiographical anecdotes. The anecdote at www.maurymuehleisen.com is an excerpt from the book.See my blog for a bit more of the story and a brief explanation of the videos, which include "Michael," "Too Cool For School," "The AC-DC Sock-It-To-Me Talkin' Blues," "Blood Red," "Talking Herstory," "Booth Bluffing Blues," "Somewhere In Between."

My Interests


Member Since: 05/02/2007
Band Website: http://www.youtube.com/TimMcMullen
Band Members:
Influences: Woody Guthrie, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Mississippi John Hurt, Phil Ochs, Tom Paxton, Patrick Sky, Mark Spoelstra, Bob Ward, Tucker McMullen, Jan Stirling, Tim Clott, Bert Jansch, Steve Gillette, Willie Nelson, Jerry Jeff Walker, Townes Van Zandt, Joni Mitchell, Jesse Winchester, Danny O'Keefe, Don McLean, Keith Sykes, Jimmy Buffett, Michael Nesmith, Michael Martin Murphey, Paul Simon, Jackson Browne, Maury Muehleisen, Bruce Cockburn, Billy Joel, Jim Pulte, John David Souther, Jim Croce, Guy Clark, Randy Sharp, Dave Loggins, Mac McAnally, Cheryl Wheeler, Nancy Griffith, John Gorka, Shawn Colvin, Marc Cohn, Paul Brady, Colin Boyd
Sounds Like: My latest: about Sarah Palin helping John McCain to derail the "Straight Talk Express"••••••••••• "The Voice for Choice," from my video collection, All's Not Fair and Other Topical Songs, can be found on my YouTube site:••••••••••• "A Child's Wisdom" is my wedding song for honest lovers, from my CD, I Could Write You a Song; this video can also be found on my YouTube site:••••••••••• "I Do" was written to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary on April 1st. This is the first original song that I have composed on the dulcimer.••••••••••• My latest birthday song for my wife.••••••••••• My song, "Second-String Songman," was written about and dedicated to Maury Muehleisen, Jim Croce's musical collaborator who was also lost in the tragic crash with Croce. After thirty years, Maury's Capitol album, Gingerbreadd, is again available. It's beautiful! Click below to check it out:
View my page on Flatpicking Guitar

Record Label: Crazy Cousin Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Tomorrow is Forever (and Forever is Now)

http://timmcmullenmissivesandtomes.blogspot.com/I think you'll find this site interesting... This is my new blog. It will include original songs, music videos, comedy videos, autobiographical anecdote...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Jun 2009 14:01:00 GMT

Politics and the People (A diatribe)

The Greatest Threat to Democracy is Hypocrisy!....  .... [For the purpose of this article, all references to political parties refer to party politicians and strategists. Such references have ...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 13:03:00 GMT

New Anniversary Song

For those who dont know our anniversary story, Carolyn and I were married on April 1st, twenty-five years ago. You can get the story and see the video of last years anniversary song at http://www.y...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 17:42:00 GMT

This Little Light...

This is a note that I sent to my former team-teaching partner, but as I told her, "every good rant deserves a wider audience.Carolyn is so excited about the inauguration: we have a little shrine to Ob...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 14:29:00 GMT

Politics on the family blog

Bree and JasonThanks for your follow-up on this important issue. Though I hope not, I do realize that some folks might be offended by the politicizing of "Aunt Pearl's" blog, and I recognize that I a...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 23:10:00 GMT

Post Election, Elation Deflation

Last night when I went to bed, I still had some slim, but fading, hope that late returns would turn the tide for Prop 8. When I woke, I found that the great joy and pride that I felt for America was m...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 06:25:00 GMT

Congr atula tions , Ameri ca!

Nov 4, 2008 8:35 PM A remar kable oppor tunit y has becom e avail able tonig ht. When I was start ing secon d grade in Calif ornia in 1954, the US Supre me Court decid ed in Brown vs. Board of...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 06:34:00 GMT

Happy Halloween! A McCain/Palin regime is very scary!

Small, Sad JohnWritten and performed by Tim McMullenBrave John, Yeah!Big, Brave JohnWhen Old John McCain picked sassy Sarah PalinHe was certain to the Whitehouse he would soon be Sailin'Disa...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 08:27:00 GMT

Lyrics for "Talking Herstory"

In honor of 160 years of American Feminism...Talking HerstoryWell, if you think the world is a mystery, Then you ought to learn a little history.Find the factsopen up your mind;If you want to see the...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 19:24:00 GMT

Tim McMullen's The Voice for Choice

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bG3YIaKe3Q This song comes from the collection All's Not Fair...The Voice for Choice and Other Topical Songs.
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 03:35:00 GMT