I'm an actor, a dreamer, a creator, a liver, a lover, a giver, a taker, a bastard, a sweetheart, an asshole, a brother, a friend, an enemy, a clown, a writer, a thinker, a drinker, a longer, a loner, an animator, a human.
I love myself, I hate myself, I want to take myself and throw me down a well, and I want to pull myself back out and nurture myself back to health. I want to put my ideas on a pedestal for the world to see, and I want to keep them locked in a box so the world can't hurt them.
I'm the same as you. I'm not the same as you.
:) I like to smile. I like to laugh at innapropriate humor. I want to tell everyone to go and fuck themselves, and I want to tell everyone I love them. I want to rip your god damn head off. I see beauty when the lights are out, and horror when the sun comes up. I see horror when the lights are out and beauty when the sun comes up. The full moon messes with my emotions.
I like to dine at fancy restaurants. I like to sit in bed with a six pack of beer, 3 pizzas, and a season finale of something.
I'm nothing like the rest of my family.
Hi, I'm Scott.