About Me
RETRO ROCKS!! The Old School sound is back! The new DEFF HIPPY CD is here -DIG IT!!- the tracks on this page are from "Nu Future", the new 13-song extended lenght CD. GROOVY- The third full length release "Nu Future" is in select stores February '09. Featuring new lead guitarist Shred, old school-mate of Deff's, this is the freshest retro-rock yet! The first track is inspired by Howlin' Wolf's "Killing Floor" (Hendrix, Zeppelin). The 2nd features Eliza B on backup vox in Lennon-Ono-esque. The third song "Got Ca$h?" is a 70's-ish hard rocker. Track 4 is a jazzy instumental piece of ear-candy showcasing Shred's fleet fingerings. "B My Sqweez" is a retro-fifties crooner bit ala Rat Pack. Number six is classical-rooted spin loosely based on early Jethro Tull. More tunes will be uploaded soon - check back!Songs from the previous CD, an anti-war protest album (2007) "Just Say No to War", are posted on the Deff Hippy II friend page. The CDs are available at Twist n Shout and Wax Trax. "Just Say No to War" T-shirts and bumper stickers are available also. Songs from the First Album are posted on the Deff Hippy III myspace page. Click top friend DEAFENER for some heavier compositions by Deff.
DEFF HIPPY was formed in 2003 as a retro jazz/blues/rock fusion jam band. The founding members are Deff- vocals, harp, guitars & keyboards, Hippy- bass and Jo- drums. All DEFF HIPPY songs are originals composed by Deff.
WAY TOO COOL! Thanx to Death Hickey Blues 4 loaning Will at the Larimer Lounge Feb 4th. Also John of the Woodies for sitting in at the Skylark Lounge. Thanks to Herman's Hideaway 4 so many GR8 Deff Hippy shows, the Toad Tavern 4 having DH headline their BBQ, and Buffalo Rose 4 having DH kick off College Ladies Night. Kudos to Three Kings Tavern 4 the calender (Deff's daughter is a calender girl!), The Spillway Grille, Dulcineas, Owsleys, Blondie's Firehouse, Blue Ice Martini Lounge, The Larimer Lounge, Smokin' Joe's, The Golden Cue, Mercury Cafe, The Great Divide aka J's, The Paradox Lounge, Dubb's Pub, The Sports Inn, The Castle, Str8 Home Bar, Arap's, The Englenook, The Casual Lounge, Satire Lounge, Cricket on the Hill, Bushwhacker's, and r.i.p. 15th St. Tavern, Broadway Grill, The Full House, The Kilt, The Patriot Pub, On Broadway, etc... RIGHT ON! We're booking shows again. If u would like to see DEFF HIPPY at yer fave live music club, plz tell them to message this page. DH breaks out all the classic blues rock jams, and tunes from the CDs. Watch this page for more info. Peace...