Indescribable ♥ ™ © profile picture

Indescribable ♥ ™ ©

I am here for Networking

About Me

.. ..

Sigourney TM
She tells things how they are
“But she doesn’t mean to offend you”
They Call her Sigi

And everything else that comes to mind
Born On thee 11.11.89
Currently eighteen like wow
This makes her a Scorpio
Studying at Hopwood Hall College
The subject being Animal management
Different I know
The thing is I choose not to follow the trend
You may Look and think
Bitch Slag Stush But
What Makes Yew Think I Care What Yew Think?
*My stars are my life*
Mummy my anchor
Daddy my Number 1 man
Stephan my bro but also the best friend
My Bitch Monét Your Just not Ready
& those tru people I don’t even have to name All My Love.

Don’t think it can come any better than this =]
Je t'aime..!
The colour pink
“Its jus so pretty”
Galaxy Chocolate
“Mmm So Smooth”
“I’m in another World When I’m dancing”
“Could You Live Without it..? I know I couldn’t”
“Where and who would I be without you people”
“My Future Career”
“What’s the point?? Being true is so much easier”
Trying to be something your not
"People would love you so much more if you was just YOU"
Size Zero
"What is there to grab onto: P”
My motto’s for life..!Every1 deserves a second chance
Live life to the full
Don’t judge a Book by the cover
What goes around comes around

Its simple you don’t like me then GOOD BYE…..!!
Well that’s enough about me FOR NOW
Have Ay Browse & don’t be Ay stranger..!=]
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own lights shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others

My Interests

I ♥ too dance its ay passion ♥ and Spend time with my friends n family =]
i Also Wann Wrk With animals ♥

I'd like to meet:

I Would Like To Meet
Chris Brown =] Bow Wow

Mary J blige

Talk Too Meh ♥


Erm Well Where Do i start I ♥ All Kinds of music but my favourites have got to b
Hip Hop, RnB, And Niche Plus The Slow Jams R tooo Much


Erm I Luv the comedies lik snatch n hitch n stuf like that but i luv all films
I Robot has got 2 b one of my favourites lol


Everybody hates chris is too funny Those writers r Big lol Ugly betty Prison break erm theres 2 many.


I luv 2 read but have neva got the time but adventures and biographies are my favourite


my Heros AreMy Mummy Daddy & My Bro
Also I Luv Alicia Keys, Aaliyah, Mary j Blige