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Whats Good Yall! Well the name is Kriss, I am Twenty Two years Old. I moved to california like i think three & a half years ago. or a little over I dont remember. Anyway, I moved from The BX [Bronx] New York. When i firt moved out here, i had no choice but to get on MySpace, I didnt have any friends, or no anything about Cali! Now im like a MySpace Celeberty, Its Funny because i rarely get on! But when i do, i get like soo many messages & Friend Request. Dont get it twisted yall, i doo love the love & support you have & will show me. It greatly appreciated.As far as California goes! I fuckin love it! At first it was kind of hard for me to adjust to the lifestyle, But now im like a vet. Lol.. I have achieved so many goals of mine here, and will continuosuly do so! Because im so determined & interested.I was a model! I do have plenty of pics, because i use to go to photo-shoots on a day to day basis. I would rather not put my pictures up, due to Copyrights of the companys [Whoever i was shooting for]. And plus all the fakes here on MySpace. Its Just ridonkulous [lol]I am in love with music, its a passion of mine! Its away for me to release agression without kickin someones ass, I turn on my radio tune you motha fuckas out! and No one gets hurt I am currently in the studio, working on my first solo debut. I am a signed artist Island Def Jam, to be exact. I have been signed for over a year now. My album is titled "The Definition" & should be out at the top of the summer. I have production from a slew of the hottest producers in the game. [DanjaHands, Polli Paul, Jr Rotem, Ryan Leslie] & more to come. Also on the entertainment side, i am currently in Africa shooting a motion picture, which should be out eithe late 2009 or early 2010. We wrap filming in late February. I am the second lead in the movie. So im definitely excited about all the new things in the works, yall be on the lookout....You will fond out that i dont update my page very frequently, because i am always on the road traveling, and i am a very busy man. So i will do what i can when i can, cant knock my hustle yo!Messages..Mhhmm, this is becoming quite a big deal! Because im having people sending death threts because i didnt get back! What you have to understand is, I get atleats 100 messages a day, i am not going to get back to every spoecific one, Only the one's that catch my eye, the unique one's, or ofcourse if there about buisness.