*snazzy things*
la familia. my camera. music. art. dogs. live shows. comedy. fashion. prisma color. originality. marijane. improv. photos. ghost. cooking.
accessories. hostess sno-balls. green. milk. men in glasses. laughs. bass. drums. colors. b&w. lava lamps. expresso. humbleness. good friends. inside jokes. dancing. cosmetology. popular culture. rainbows. eyes. flowers. hats. hoodies. mr t. poker. math. thoughts. burps. ideas. challanges. dry fruit. nuts. dares. love. moo-moo's. hopeless romantics. sleep. lil' kids falling. moms. sparkly things. tube socks. beat box. making out. spunkyfreshness.
*not-so. things*
the man thong. myspace friend whores. slugs. being a xerox copy of someone else. phony-ness. caked on make-up. envy. nosehair burning cologne/perfume. label-whores. meat-heads. k-tu. clueless people. shallowness. cliche' hipsters that try not to be cliche'. liver. cats. g w bush. fabio. closed mindedness. ciggarettes. tounsil hockey. wet toilet seats. xtreme yankee fans.
interested in ART & PHOTOGRAPHY??
View my work
the Magnum Gallery.
all types of genres of Rock.
terrible 80's early 90's favorites.
show tunes/theme songs.
old spanish love songs.
old school/underground rap.
basically... if its got a hot bass dub, sweet percussion, mad originality, a phat beat, some flavor, or an intoxicating guitar solo... i'm sold.
word yo. word.
"Holler" to the local bands:
TEMPORARY GRACE, Seymour Glass, Status Green, The Shank Bone Mystic Project, Keith Kenny, Woodfish, The Backbeat, Rich and Royal, VooDoo Terror Tribe, Avery, The Magnums, Sparks Fly from a kiss, Days Awake, Fixer,
not so local...
PorkFoot, Antedote, Bionic Jive.
ROCK ON, fuckers!
the lost boys.
fight club.
new jack city.
half baked.
kill bill(s)
american psycho.
flicks HAVE TO be:
-short with GREAT dilects.
-Interesting cinematography/angles
-i dont do "sci-fi" nor "fantasy".
i ' m g u i l t y.
sketch books.
My Parents (Pach and Mach)
Sylvia Brown.
ANYONE with moves like these.