This page is intended to preview upcoming BrokeShade songs as they are developed. Full, finished versions of the songs will be available on the future BrokeShade myspace page, as well as the main website.
BrokeShade is the sole property of Ross Robinson, who assumes all rights and responsibilities as producer, sound engineer, programmer, vocalist, guitarist, bassist and keyboardist. Occasional guest spots are done by Cole Hieke, Jack Lavey and Jake Earl. Specific credits for guest tracks will be listed upon completion of the albums.
There are currently two simultaneous albums being developed: "Radiophonic", the album containing the earliest work, and "Damaged but Functioning" which marks the beginning of song development without the assistance of Jack Lavey. "Radiophonic" contains a slightly more progressive feel overall, while "Damaged but Functioning" is intended to dig deeper into both raw and complex emotions, inspired by a number of personal factors.
Once the albums are completed, a band will be assembled to perform the original material live.