wAtChiNg dVd'S, t.V. sHoWs, n mOviEs.... LiStEniNg to mUSik.. sUrfIng tHe nEt n YMing... :D
anyone who is "wholesome"...:D if u think u are then add me up! [url= pg][img= .th.jpg][/url]
pUnK rOcK, aLtErnAtiVe, emO... sImplE plan, gOOd chaRlotte, ashLeE sImpsOn, tHe aLL aMeRiCaN rEjEcts, gReeNdAY, HiNdEr, tHE fRaY n 3 dOOrs dOwn rawks!!!!!!! :D
mEan giRls, fReAky fRidAy, win a Date with tad hamiton, the prince and me, cLuelEss, sPiderman 1 n 2, harrY pOtter seriEs, lotr seRies... tOO manY tO mEntion... _
one tree hill, the simpsons, the o.c., laguna beach, my wife n kids, that's so raven, desperate housewives, charmed, myx hit chart n chart attack:D
ARCHIE COMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!