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About Me

ARRAKALAK ikuskizunarekin hasitako bidean, bihotz bakartien klubak poemak kantu bihurtu eta hausnarrerako bazka eskeintzera dator berriz ere. Katamaloa esaten diogu euskaldunok gure aurpegia beste bat bihurtzeko erabiltzen dugunari. Ez garena azaldu beharraz, itxurakeriaz, hipokresiaz, sakon maitatzeko beldurraz, zoriontsuak izan ezinaz, lotsaz, harrokeriaz, benetan garena onartu nahi ezaz idatzi ditugu poemak eta kantuak. Barre egingo diogu geure buruari eta urkoarenari, tristetu egingo gara ispiluaren aurrean eta harro bezain pozarren biluztuko gara. Ostontzea agertzeko era bat baino ez delakoan.2007ko Azaroa amaieran 7 kantuz osatutako diskoa kaleratu zen, GOR Diskak-en eskutik. Zatoz Katamaloren emanaldietara, musika eta poesia gustuko badituzu...
On a trajectory that took off from their ARRAKALAK (Fissures) show, the Bihotz Bakartien Klub (Lonely Hearts’ Club) is back, with fodder for making poems into songs to be ruminated on. “Katamalo” is what Basques say for something we use to turn our face into another one. We’ve written poems and songs on the need to unmask what we aren’t, on affectation, on hypocrisy, on the fear of loving deeply, on the inability to be happy, on shyness and shame, on arrogance, on not wanting to admit what we truly are. We’ll laugh at ourselves and our next-door neighbor, we’ll get sad looking in the mirror and get naked with pride as much as with joy. In the faith that hiding is nothing more than a way of showing up. At the end of November 2007 a 7-song disc came out from GOR Diskak. MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

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Member Since: 05/02/2007
Band Website: www.katamalo.org
Band Members: Alex Arregi, Gotzon Barandiaran, Itsaso Etxebeste Aintzina Lekue, Gorka Mugarza, Jon Piris, Gorka Urbizu, Nerea Urbizu

Record Label: GOR Diskak (www.gordiscos.com)
Type of Label: Indie

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