...*_ciara_*... profile picture



About Me

Don't take life too seriously....
....No one gets out alive anyway.
A little something that helps me sleep at night.→
I'll pop those pretty little eyeballs out and let them roll softly down your cheeks.
As you gag and wrythe in agony, you'll be able to watch as I slowly slice you open from collar bone to naval, peel your flesh away from your ribcage to reveal your rapidly beating heart.
You'll probably still be trying to scream but by this time your tongue is swollen and cut, right now your wondering whether you'll bleed to death or whether you'll simply drown, either way your hoping it will happen soon.
But, no, the human body is far more resiliant than that, it will try to keep fighting.
Amidst the blurry thoughts running through your head you finally realise your still alive, the pain is still coarsing through your entire body. Out of your misplaced eyes, you can still make out one of my favourite bits:organ removal.
Slowly everything is loosened, it can all move, it's resting on your legs right now.
All but your heart, beating faster and faster as it tries to keep up with your body's demand for blood, by this point you've swallowed enough to make you sick, it's amusing how the stomach, perched on your left thigh moves as your muscles spasm in order to try and make you throw up the blood you've recently swallowed.
Your getting dizzy now, feeling faint. Your heart beat is slowing, it can't keep up. Your beginning to feel limp, you can't struggle anymore, can you ?
Less and less movement, but your heart, still feebly beats, the pain is fading but your still there, I can see it in your eyes.
You get one last look at me and your eyes slowly flicker shut, the pain is gone now, just your mangled, disemboweled corpse that's left behind.
Now I am rid of you.

My Interests

Stuff with lines around it
Jack Daniel's
Irn Bru
Shiny stuff
Strawberry Panic
My expanding bottle collection
Gadsy stuff
Bucky O..Hare
"Wychcraft Ale"
I'm pretty sure there's some more but..
I can't be arsed right now.


I'd like to meet:

This guy→

By the way...

I'm watching you.


Doughdee Marie

My Blog

I’M NOT DEAD........

.....I know, I know, a tremendous disapointment for most, but hey, round ye I suppose.I.....have a new blind cat, creepy looking wee thing, grey and red veined eyeballs, she's lovely....named her ichi...
Posted by ...*_ciara_*... on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:58:00 PST


1. I have an indent on the outside of my left thigh. 2. I hate sleeping with socks on. 3. I like sleeping in the bath. 4. I enjoy picking the scabs off of new tattoos. 5. I have thirteen of them. 6. I...
Posted by ...*_ciara_*... on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:40:00 PST