MoDiFiEd CaRs.....FiLmS.....ClUbS....RnB & HiP-HoP MuSiC.....DiGiTaLArTs.....FoOtBalL..... UFC.....GuRlS.....
I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach, our toes in the sand I can see us on the countryside Sitting on the grass, laying side by side You could be my baby, let me make you my lady Girl, you amaze me Ain't gotta do nothing crazy See, all I want you to do is be my love
ItS AlL BoUt Da RnB and HiP-HoP TuNeZ..AlSo ThRoW in sUm SlOw JaMz
SuM mOvIeS r JuSt 2 GoOd
LoSt.....PrIsOn BrEaK.....HeRoEs.....MtV bAsE.....
ThE InCrEdAblEs..ThE hUlK..SpIdEr MaN..BaTmAn..