........Battlefield 2,Soccer, Music, Battlefield 2,Football, Battlefield 2,Skateboarding. Other Sports, Dirt Bike, Games, BF2, COD2, Fifa 2006WC(im the greatest), playin Saxophone..GAY PIDE BABY
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i have genre swings like mood swings just relating to music. right now im down with the PROG., RAP, and some INDIE ROCK...yea thats pretty much it.[everything - (country+gay club music+bluegrass+emo+crazy death stuff+other gay stuff)]=What anthony likes
Crank, Saving Private Ryan, the Departed, all the Bourne movies, Transformers, 23, Butterfly Effect, The Family Guy Movie with stewie, SLC Punk, Transporter 2, Ali G in da House, Waterboy, Billy Madison......and othe movies with action and comedy that i cant think of. Oh yeah i like scary movies too
SOUTH PARK, THE OFFICE, Comedy Central, Band of Brothers, mythbusters, The History Channel, Dave Chapelle, used to watch jackass when it was shown on tv, south park
all the other zebra kids out there.