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Shawn Michaels

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Born to a military family on an air base in Chandler, Michaels spent a brief part of his early years in Reading, Berkshire, England, but mainly grew up in San Antonio, Texas. In San Antonio, he attended Randolph High School on Randolph Air Force Base.Trained by Mexican professional wrestler Jose Lothario, Michaels debuted in 1984, working with Mid-South Wrestling and later Texas All-Star Wrestling promotion, where he and Paul Diamond were awarded the TAW Tag Team Championship by Chavo Guerrero, Sr..Michaels also wrestled for Central States Championship Wrestling. There, he and tag team partner Marty Jannetty defeated The Batten Twins for the Central States Tag Team Championship, later losing it back to the Battens. Michaels also made several appearances in the Dallas, Texas-based World Class Championship Wrestling throughout 1985.[edit] American Wrestling Association Michaels made his national-level debut in 1986 in the American Wrestling Association (AWA), once again teaming with Jannetty. The pair were billed as "The Midnight Rockers" and won the AWA World Tag Team Championship twice. They also appeared in the Mid-South on loan at this point. In a raid of AWA talent in 1987, The Rockers were signed by a competing promotion: the World Wrestling Federation. However, they were fired two weeks later for "partying too hard" (a misunderstanding, according to Michaels' autobiography). They returned to the AWA, but were re-signed by the WWF a year later.[edit] World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment They redebuted on the June 18, 1988 episode of Superstars. Because of WWF chairman Vince McMahon's desire to have his performers carry WWF-exclusive monikers, they were repackaged as just "The Rockers".The energetic team proved popular with both children and women, as well as 'smart' fans who appreciated technical wrestling. The team were mid-card stalwarts of TV and pay-per-view shows for the next two years, but never seemed to get a fair chance at the WWF's Tag Team Championships.Their chance belatedly came in October 1990: The Rockers were scheduled to win the WWF Tag Team Championship from The Hart Foundation. Jim Neidhart, half of the championship team, was in the process of negotiating his release from the company.The match was taped with The Rockers fairly winning the belts, but soon after, Neidhart came to a stopgap agreement with management and was rehired. The belts were returned to the Harts, while the change was never broadcast or even acknowledged on TV. When news spread, WWF explained that the original result was void due to a collapsed turnbuckle in the ring during the bout. A buckle had indeed broken, but not to a noticeable or dangerous extent during the match.The duo plodded along, eventually splitting on December 2, 1991 during an incident on Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake's televised "Barber Shop" talk show segment. Michaels superkicked Jannetty and threw him through a glass window on the 'shop' set. Jannetty vanished from the WWF and Michaels turned heel as "The Boy Toy". His nickname was later changed to "The Heartbreak Kid", at Curt Hennig's suggestion.[edit] The Heartbreak Kid In his new gimmick as a vain, cocky heel, he was put together with mirror-carrying manager "Sensational" Sherri, who, according to the storyline, had become infatuated with him. Sherri even sang the first version of his new theme music "Sexy Boy."During that period, Michaels normally wrestled during the first half of house shows, and had his departure announced with the words "Shawn Michaels has left the building" (alluding to the phrase "Elvis has left the building").Michaels failed to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship from Bret Hart in July 1992, even losing the WWF's first ever Ladder match against him. Still, Michaels was beginning to get over as a heel. He won the WWF Intercontinental Championship from "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith during Saturday Night's Main Event on October 27, 1992. Shortly thereafter, he faced — and lost to — future nemesis Bret Hart, for the WWF Championship in the main event of the 1992 Survivor Series.Michaels and Sherri split at this point, and Jannetty quickly reappeared, leading to several memorable matches. After sneaking past Tatanka in early 1993, Michaels lost his Intercontinental Championship to Jannetty on Monday Night RAW on May 17, 1993. He then regained it on June 6, 1993 with the help of his debuting "bodyguard" (and off-air friend) Diesel.After a much-hyped but ultimately disappointing feud with Mr. Perfect, Michaels quit the WWF in September 1993. It was announced that Michaels had failed to defend his belt enough times during a set period; in reality, he had been suspended for testing positive for steroids — a charge that Michaels denies to this day.After turning down WCW's advances, Michaels returned to the WWF and made several appearances in the United States Wrestling Association during a WWF/USWA cross-promotion. He returned to WWF television for November's 1993 Survivor Series, substituting for the arrested Jerry Lawler in a match pitting himself and three of Lawler's "Knights" against Bret, Bruce, Keith, and Owen Hart.He soon entered a hot feud with Razor Ramon, who had won the vacated Intercontinental Title during Michaels' absence. Since Michaels had never been defeated in the ring for the title, he claimed to be the rightful champion and even carried around his old title belt.This feud culminated in a ladder match between the two at WrestleMania X. Michaels lost the match, which featured both his and Ramon's belts suspended above a ladder in the ring. This match won "Match of the Year" awards from Pro Wrestling Illustrated and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. It also earned Michaels a reputation of being the "Innovator of the Ladder Match", when in reality it was Bret Hart who brought in the idea two years previously from the Stampede Wrestling promotion.Michaels battled various injuries over the next few months, and soon launched the "Heartbreak Hotel" TV talk show segment, mainly shown on WWF Superstars.On August 28, 1994, Michaels and his ever more popular sidekick, Diesel, captured the WWF World Tag Team Championship from The Headshrinkers. During their brief time as a tag team, they used a variation of the Headshrinkers' finishing move, where Michaels would finish off their opponent by climbing on Diesel's shoulders and splashing on their opponents. The next day, at SummerSlam 1994, Diesel lost the Intercontinental Title to Ramon when Michaels accidentally Superkicked his bodyguard.This triggered a Michaels-Diesel split, drawn out until the Survivor Series 1994 that November due to Michaels' hand injury at the time. Michaels went on to win the 1995 Royal Rumble, setting up a championship/grudge match at WrestleMania XI against Diesel. Michaels recruited Sid as his bodyguard for the build-up, lost the match, and then was turned on by Sid the following night.As Sid challenged Diesel for the gold, Michaels took time off. He returned to the ring, as a 'babyface', in June 1995, and toppled Jeff Jarrett in July 1995 for his third Intercontinental Title. This would lead to a title defense against Razor Ramon at SummerSlam 1995, in a Ladder Match, which Michaels won.Around this time, Michaels became the alleged leader of a backstage group known as The Clique/Kliq, which others perceived had sufficient clout with WWF owner Vince McMahon, to become the dominant wrestling figures in the promotion for several years in the mid-1990s. Michaels disputes the perception, saying that McMahon pushed only deserving wrestlers. Shawn's fanbase was later nicknamed "The Kliq" as an inside reference to the real "Clique."In October 1995, he was attacked by several men outside a Syracuse, New York, bar. Shortly afterwards, at the In Your House: Great White North PPV Michaels forfeited the Intercontinental Title to real-life enemy Dean Douglas as he was, according to the WWF, unable to compete. However, Douglas lost the title immediately to Clique member Razor Ramon. Douglas maintained that Michaels could have wrestled that night and simply didn't want to put him over.The next month, during a match with Owen Hart on Monday Night RAW, Owen nailed Michaels with an Enzuigiri kick to the back of Michaels' head. They continued to wrestle, but Michaels then collapsed in the ring, supposedly because he had suffered a concussion in the Syracuse incident. The concussion was a work, skillfully kept from most fans at the time.After teasing a retirement, Michaels announced that he would be returning to the WWF at the 1996 Royal Rumble match, which he won for the second year in a row. Around this time, Jose Lothario, Michaels' original trainer, became his on-screen manager. Shawn Michaels after winning the WWF Championship at WrestleMania XIIMichaels won his first WWF Championship at WrestleMania XII in March 1996, pinning Bret Hart in the 'sudden death' overtime of their a sixty minute Iron Man match, which had ended in a 0-0 tie. As WCW gained momentum due to the signings of Michaels' friends Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, Michaels soldiered on as champion for most of the year, notably overcoming Mankind, Vader and The British Bulldog in pay-per-view battles.At 1996 SummerSlam in his main event WWF championship match with Vader, Shawn notoriously became agitated during the match when Vader misheard Shawn and didnt move out of the way on his subsequent elbow drop. Shawn changed direction in mid air upon realising Vader wasnt going to move and then shouts loudly "move!" whilst stamping legitimately on Vader's head. Shawn admitted in a later recorded shoot interview that Mankind, suggested that during their match at In Your House: Mind Games, Shawn should re-enact his genuine heat with Vader during match against Mankind and perform the same stamp sequence seen at Summerslam 2 months earlier.Michaels' title reign colorfully ended at the 1996 Survivor Series in November, where he lost to Sycho Sid, his former bodyguard, at Madison Square Garden in a face vs. face match. This match was notable for the New York fans cheering for Sid when he hit both Michaels and Jose Lothario with a television camera and cheering again when he won the match and championship. A flu-ridden Michaels recaptured the belt from Sid in January at the 1997 Royal Rumble in front of his hometown fans in San Antonio.Michaels was supposed to defend (and lose) his title at a WrestleMania 13 rematch with Bret Hart but he gave up the title on a special episode of RAW dubbed Thursday RAW Thursday[1], broadcast live on the USA Network on February 13, 1997. This speech was regarded as controversial, as Michaels was alledgedly unwilling to lose to Bret Hart at WrestleMania. Michaels had been told by doctors that a knee injury was bad enough to have to retire, and knowing that Michaels' knee was bad, Bret Hart mapped out a novel ending for their planned WrestleMania match: Hart would catch Michaels' right leg as he attempted to execute his superkick finisher and twist it. Michaels' leg would thus 'break', complete with planted 'snapping' sounds coming from under the ring. The ending would allow Michaels to 'lose' the title without quitting or being pinned, and also would allow understandable time out.[citation needed] In the speech, Michaels contemplated thoughts of retirement and stated that he "had to find his smile again", which he had "lost" somewhere down the line. In the end, Bret Hart resumed his feud with Steve Austin for WrestleMania 13, and Michaels did color commentary at the event.After knee surgery by Dr. James Andrews, he miraculously returned a few months later, briefly teaming with Steve Austin to win the WWF Tag Team titles. However, after a real life backstage fight with Bret Hart, Michaels quit the WWF, until Vince McMahon convinced Michaels otherwise, and gave him the role of a heel.At SummerSlam 1997, Michaels officiated the WWF title match between WWF Champion The Undertaker and Bret Hart. The match ended in controversial fashion, with Michaels nailing Undertaker with a chair (unintentionally, as he was aiming for Hart after Bret spat in his face). Michaels was then forced to award the title to his nemesis, Hart, setting the stage for their match at Survivor Series.Michaels' striking of the Undertaker with a chair began a feud between the two men. In October, at In Your House: Badd Blood, Michaels and Undertaker participated in the very first Hell in a Cell match, which saw Michaels falling off the side of the 15-foot high structure through a table. Michaels won the match with the help of the debut of the Undertaker's brother Kane.[edit] D-Generation X In the summer, Michaels joined forces with real-life friend, Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Hunter's then-girlfriend, Chyna to form D-Generation X. The group would engage in rebellious behavior, such as pointing to their crotches and telling fans to "Suck It". Moving away from the family-oriented product, this marked the beginning of the WWF Attitude Era. Michaels also began re-feuding with Bret Hart's reformed The Hart Foundation, which was now a pro-Canada stable. Michaels would taunt The Hart Foundation and Canada by engaging in acts, such as blowing his nose with and humping the Canadian Flag. In his book, Heartbreak & Triumph, Michaels claims the flag desecration was Bret Hart's idea.Michaels' feud with the Hart Foundation culminated in a title shot at the 1997 Survivor Series against Bret Hart in what is thought to be the most controversial match in wrestling history. Michaels came out of this match, known "affectionately" by fans as the Montreal Screwjob, as the WWF World Champion.Michaels thus became the only wrestler to hold both the World Championship and the European Championship at the same time. However, he would have himself pinned by Triple H in December in a farcical match, making Hunter the European Champion.[edit] Injury In 1998, a back injury that Michaels received in the Casket Match against the Undertaker at the 1998 Royal Rumble (where Michaels took a back body drop to the outside, smashing his lower back on the casket causing him to herniate two discs and crushing one completely) forced Michaels into retirement after losing the WWF Championship to Steve Austin at WrestleMania XIV. Prior to losing the belt, Michaels would, along with DX allies, make regular appearances much like Steve Austin did the previous year after injuring his neck at SummerSlam.Michaels would return to the WWF on November 23, 1998, but not as a wrestler; instead, he replaced Sgt. Slaughter as the WWF Commissioner, joining Vince McMahon's Corporation stable as a heel. Throughout late 1998 and early 1999, Michaels would make regular TV appearances, booking matches, stamping down his authority and sometimes deciding the outcome of matches. In early 1999, Michaels turned face and re-joined D-Generation X, but disappeared from WWF television for a few months, and by the time he had returned DX had broken up.Michaels would make occasional appearances on WWF television as commissioner as a face during the spring and summer of 1999. He turned heel once again during the premiere episode of SmackDown! on August 26, 1999 when, while serving as a special guest referee, he superkicked The Rock, allowing Triple H to retain the WWF Championship. However, Michaels would not appear on WWF television until May 21, 2000, once again as a face, to officate the Iron Man match between the Rock and Triple H. He would make one last appearance a month later, when he would hand over the role of commissioner to Mick Foley, becoming the official spokesperson for the WWF. Michaels then disappeared from WWF television for nearly a year.Michaels' prolonged absences were the result of his opening of the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy in early 1999. In February 2001, Michaels signed a multi year contract extension with the WWF.[edit] Return to RAW In 2002, Michaels returned to wrestling, brought in by Kevin Nash as a new member of the nWo. After the nWo was disbanded, Triple H apparently wanted to mend ties with Michaels. This was solidified when Michaels beseeched Triple H to return to RAW. Later on, they came down to the ring with their D-Generation X music and attire. When they were about to do their trademark "Suck It" taunt, Triple H nailed Michaels with the Pedigree. A week later, Triple H attacked Michaels from behind in a parking lot and put his head through a car window. Michaels surprised everyone by challenging Triple H to "a fight" (a non-sanctioned match) at SummerSlam 2002, which Triple H accepted.Michaels returned to the ring to wrestle a match against Triple H at SummerSlam 2002, laying the foundation for a feud that would last for years. This match was noted for Michaels' emotional in-ring return after more than four years on the shelf. Michaels won the SummerSlam match but was attacked with a sledgehammer by Triple H after the match.At Survivor Series 2002, Michaels won the World Heavyweight Championship from Triple H in the first-ever Elimination Chamber match, which also featured Rob Van Dam, Kane, Chris Jericho and Booker T. Michaels eliminated both Jericho and Triple H to win the match. A month later, Michaels lost the World Championship to Triple H in a Three Stages Of Hell match at Armageddon 2002.Michaels then proceeded to feud with Chris Jericho. On January 13, 2003, Jericho won an over-the-top-rope challenge to select his entry number for the Royal Rumble, choosing number two in order to start the match with Michaels, who had already been named number one. At the Royal Rumble, Jericho, with the help of Christian, eliminated Michaels. Michaels defeated Jericho at WrestleMania XIX. After the match, HBK offered his hand to Chris Jericho who, instead of shaking it, hugged Michaels. At first it seemed like good sportsmanship by Chris Jericho but he quickly kicked Michaels in the groin.Michaels then formed a tag team with the returning Kevin Nash and feuded with Triple H's Evolution stable. At SummerSlam 2003 he competed in the second-ever Elimination Chamber Match, which also featured Randy Orton, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Goldberg, and eventual winner, World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H. During the match, he helped Chris Jericho eliminate Kevin Nash, which prompted Nash to attack both men before exiting the chamber. Later in the match, Michaels was eliminated by Goldberg. He then went on to feud with Evolution member Randy Orton, who would defeat him at Unforgiven 2003. Michaels then had short feuds with Mark Henry and the new World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg before joining Stone Cold Steve Austin's Survivor Series Team. At Survivor Series 2003, Team Austin (Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Booker T and The Dudley Boyz) faced Team Bischoff (Scott Steiner, Mark Henry, Chris Jericho, Christian and Randy Orton). During the match, Evolution member Batista interfered and gave Michaels the Batista Bomb, costing him the match. Michaels would go on to defeat Batista at Armageddon.Michaels then entered a Last Man Standing Match against the World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H, at the 2004 edition of the Royal Rumble. The match was a draw, with both men unable to continue. Michaels went on to be in the main event of WrestleMania XX where he came up short in a match against Triple H and Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship. He also came up short in the rematch at Backlash, where he submitted to Benoit's Sharpshooter. At Bad Blood in June, Michaels faced Triple H in a Hell in a Cell match. The match lasted for almost an hour before Triple H pedigreed Michaels for the victory. On the Raw after Bad Blood, Kane attacked Michaels with a steel chair, injuring him (kayfabe) in the process. Michaels made his return at Unforgiven and defeated Kane in a No Disqualification Match. Two months later, he lost a World Heavyweight Championship match against Triple H (after Edge interfered) at Taboo Tuesday 2004 when the fans voted for him ahead of Edge and Chris Benoit to face Triple H one more time. Following this, Michaels was out of action for a few months with a torn meniscus. He returned in January 2005, and was special guest referee in the Elimination Chamber Match (which featured Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Edge, Randy Orton, Batista, and eventual winner Triple H) at New Year's Revolution 2005. During the match, Michaels Superkicked Edge starting a feud between the two.At the 2005 Royal Rumble, Michaels was defeated by Edge, who pinned him using the ropes for leverage. Michaels went on to compete in the Rumble match later that night and eliminated Kurt Angle. In retaliation, Angle returned to the ring and eliminated Michaels. Angle then put Michaels in the Ankle Lock. As a result of what happened at the Royal Rumble, Michaels issued a challenge to Angle for a match at WrestleMania 21, which Kurt Angle accepted when he appeared on RAW to attack Michaels. To send a "message" to Michaels before Wrestlemania, Angle put HBK's former manager Sensational Sherri in the Ankle Lock on Smackdown. Angle then issued a challenge to Michaels' former tag team partner Marty Jannetty to a match the following week. The next Monday Night on RAW, Jannetty and Michaels had a one time reunion as The Rockers and defeated La Resistance. Then, days later on Smackdown, Angle defeated Jannetty with the Ankle Lock. At WrestleMania 21 on April 3, 2005, Angle defeated Michaels by submission with the Ankle Lock.The next night on RAW, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari came out to confront and assault Shawn Michaels. The following week, Michaels approached RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff demanding a handicap match with Hassan and Daivari. Bischoff refused but did tell Michaels to find a partner and he would grant a match. Michaels then made a plea for Hulk Hogan to come back and team with him. On the April 18, 2005 episode of RAW, Hassan again led an attack on Michaels until Hogan appeared to save Michaels and accept his offer.At Backlash 2005 Hassan and Daivari lost to Hogan and Michaels, with Daivari being pinned. Hassan would blame and attack Daivari for the loss the next evening on RAW.On the July 4, 2005 edition of RAW, Michaels and Hulk Hogan fought Kurt Angle and then-Intercontinental Champion Carlito in a tag team match. During the post-match pose, Michaels hit Hogan with his patented Sweet Chin Music, knocking Hogan to the ground and turning Michaels heel for the first time since returning in 2002.The following week on RAW, HBK appeared on the Piper's Pit where he superkicked the host Roddy Piper and then challenged Hulk Hogan to a match at SummerSlam 2005. Prior to the 2005 SummerSlam, neither Hogan nor Michaels had lost in a one-on-one match at SummerSlam. Hogan defeated Michaels at SummerSlam. After the match Michaels extended his hand to him, saying "I needed to know, and I found out" and he and Hogan shook hands. Michaels left the ring to allow Hogan to celebrate with the crowd and Michaels turned face once more.Michaels began a feud with Chris Masters. The pair faced each other in a match at Unforgiven 2005 where Michaels would win via pinfall. At WWE Homecoming, HBK wrestled Kurt Angle to a 2-2 draw in a 30-minute Iron Man match. At Taboo Tuesday 2005, Michaels would win the fans choice for the second year running and become a part of the Triple Threat Match with John Cena and Kurt Angle. Cena would win and retain the WWE Championship.On the December 5, 2005 edition of RAW, Shawn Michaels competed against Big Show for his shot in the Elimination Chamber at New Years Revolution, in which he won. Shawn Michaels appeared at the Tribute to the Troops where he defeated Triple H with Sweet Chin Music in a Boot Camp Match.On the following RAW, Vince McMahon lauded Michaels for his part in the Montreal Screwjob. Michaels said he was only being loyal to his company, but said he'd moved on and McMahon should move on as well. McMahon told Michaels he can "screw" him like he screwed Bret Hart, and he began setting unusual stipulations for Michaels' matches and interfering on behalf of Michaels' opponents. At New Year's Revolution, Michaels competed in the fourth Elimination Chamber Match (which also featured Chris Masters, Carlito, Kurt Angle, Kane, and eventual winner, WWE Champion John Cena). During the match he eliminated Kurt Angle, before getting eliminated himself by Carlito. Surprisingly, McMahon did not interfere in the match.During the 2006 Royal Rumble, to which Micheals entered twenty fifth, he went on run resulting in the eliminations of MNM and Shelton Benjamin in succession to make it into the final six. At that point, Mr. McMahon’s music hit, and the WWE Chairman made his entrance. As HBK stared down the boss, Shane McMahon made a surprising appearance, attacking Michaels from behind and eliminating him from the match. An irate HBK flipped out, running back into the ring and nailing Triple H with Sweet Chin Music before chasing the McMahons to the locker room.After several weeks of attacks and stipulations, Michaels confronted McMahon in the ring and challenged him to a match. McMahon refused and attempted (unsuccessfully) to force Michaels to sign retirement papers, after which Vince and Shane McMahon knocked HBK out with a steel chair, followed by Mr. McMahon booking a match between himself and HBK at WrestleMania 22. McMahon then had Michaels face the Spirit Squad in a Four On One Handicap Match. During the match all five members of the Spirit Squad attacked Michaels until Marty Jannetty stormed the ring to defend his former partner. Later that night, McMahon offered Jannetty a full-time WWE contract with the stipulation that he joined the Mr. McMahon "Kiss My Ass Club". The next week on RAW, Jannetty refused to kiss Mr. McMahon's ass so McMahon offered Jannetty to instead take a Chris Masters "Master Lock Challenge". Jannetty was on the verge of breaking the Master Lock when McMahon delivered a low blow to Jannetty. Michaels then ran in to rescue his former partner only to be knocked out by a steel chair shot from Shane McMahon. Shane then picked up Michaels and forced him to kiss Mr. McMahon's ass.Michaels and Shane McMahon then met in a Street Fight at Saturday Night's Main Event, in which HBK suplexed Shane off the top of a ladder onto two tables on the arena floor. Throughout the match, Vince interfered, allowing Shane to get the upper hand and hit Michaels repeatedly with a ladder. But Michaels kept kicking out and refused to submit and again got the upper hand, superkicking Shane, but Vince knocked the ref down before the three count. Michaels went after Vince McMahon, which gave Shane enough time to hit Michaels with a low blow from behind. Shane applied the Sharpshooter, and Vince McMahon immediately ordered for the bell to be rung even though Michaels didn't tap out; an allusion to the Montreal Screwjob.On the RAW before Wrestlemania, McMahon made a match between himself and WWE Champion John Cena. The stipulation was that Triple H would be handcuffed in McMahon's corner while Michaels was handcuffed in Cena's corner. During the match, McMahon low blowed Cena and freed Triple H with a second pair of keys. Triple H and McMahon then used a sledgehammer and a steel chair, respectively, to attack Cena and the handcuffed Michaels.Despite interference from The Spirit Squad and Shane McMahon, Michaels defeated Mr. McMahon at WrestleMania 22 in a bloody No Holds Barred match. At Backlash 2006, Michaels (with "God" as his tag team partner) lost to Vince and Shane McMahon with help from the Spirit Squad in a no DQ match that saw Michaels suffer a partially broken nose. Michaels would go on to get some revenge on the Spirit Squad in various ways but by May 22, 2006 the Squad would, in storyline, injure Michaels' knee, an angle that was written so Michaels could have surgery on his knee, which had been legitimately injured for some time.[edit] Return of D-Generation X Shawn Michaels displaying the DX "X".In 2006, a series of events took place which suggested a reunion of Shawn Michaels and Triple H as DX starting at WrestleMania 22 where both Shawn Michaels and Triple H performed the crotch chop during their matches. The two continued to deliver chops in the following episodes of WWE RAW as Michaels feuded with Vince McMahon and Triple H went for the WWE Championship, repeatedly butting heads with Vince McMahon in the process.On the June 12, 2006 edition of RAW, DX officially reunited. During Triple H's gauntlet match against the Spirit Squad, Shawn Michaels came in to help Triple H, and the two did the DX "crotch chops". At Vengeance 2006, DX defeated the Spirit Squad in a 5-on-2 handicap match. After the win, the group continued its sophomoric antics at the expense of The Spirit Squad, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Jonathan Coachman for several weeks. They then defeated the Spirit Squad at Saturday Night Main Event in a 5-2 elimination match, and went on to defeat The McMahons (Vince and Shane) at SummerSlam 2006. They then again defeated The McMahons again but this match also involved Big Show, in a Hell in a Cell match at Unforgiven 2006.At Cyber Sunday 2006 DX took on Rated-RKO (Edge and Randy Orton). The fan-selected referee Eric Bischoff allowed the illegal use of a steel chair to give Rated RKO the ill-gotten win, and the plaudit of being the first tag team to defeat DX in a tag team match since their reformation in June 2006. However, at Survivor Series 2006, Team DX emerged victorious, in a clean sweep of Team Rated-RKO.At New Year's Revolution 2007, Michaels partner, Triple H suffered a (legit) torn right quadriceps during their match with Rated-RKO. Rated-RKO claimed victory over DX, citing the injury as the "end" of DX. Michaels vowed to stay by Triple H during his injury and get revenge on Rated-RKO. On January 15, 2007 HBK lived up to his vow of "dealing" with RKO when he took out Randy Orton after a handicap match against Orton and Edge.On the January 29, 2007 edition of RAW, Michaels captured the World Tag Team Championship for the fourth time from Rated-RKO alongside WWE Champion John Cena.

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