Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed profile picture

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

About Me

The supposed objects of our admiration have become a testament to human failure. A poignant example of what will befall us if we "rise above." So here's to glorious failure, to the attempted but discarded, to the misunderstood, the rejected and the dispossessed. Here's to those who aspire to nothing and so expect nothing, who forge their own criteria and reject the expected. Here's to the ongoing struggle, and a pox on all those who feel they have "achieved" anything.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I try to escape by means of the door, but the fenistration physically repulses me from all four walls. Negative orgones of feng shui stab my stomach. The center of the room is the only neutral space and I am left there in a state of stasis, feeding upon myself until there is simply nothing left. Easily replaced. Quietly obsolete.

My Blog

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