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Uriel T.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Celtic.. Hippie.. Indie.. Gothic.. Alternative.. Bohemian..
"If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal, " then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.""
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
Jesus said: If those who lead you say unto you: Behold, the Kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heavens will be before you. If they say unto you: It is in the sea, then the fish will be before you. But the Kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then shall you be known, and you shall know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty.
-Jesus - Gospel of Thomas
"One who truly has God will have Him in all places, in the streets and in the world, no less than in the church."
-Meister Eckhart
"God is not found in the soul by adding anything but by a process of subtraction."
-Meister Eckhart
"God is a great underground river that no one can dam up and no one can stop."
-Meister Eckhart
"If you try to capture running water in a bucket, it is clear that you do not understand it and that you will always be disappointed, for in the bucket the water does not run. To 'have' running water you must let go of it and let it run. The same is true of life and of God."
-Alan Watts
"I bless the darkness for through it, I perceive that I am Light"
Truly, it is in darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.
-Meister Eckhart
What kind of God would He be if He did not hear the bangles ring on an ant’s wrist as they move the earth in their sweet dance? And what kind of God would He be if a leaf’s prayer was not as precious to creation as the prayer His own son sang from the glorious depth of his soul – for us. And what kind of God would He be if the vote of millions in this world could sway Him to change the divine law of love that speaks so clearly with compassion’s elegant tongue, saying, eternally saying: all are forgiven – moreover, dears, no one has ever been guilty. What kind of God would He be if He did not count the blinks of your eyes and is in absolute awe of their movements? What a God - what a God we have.
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, We see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, Are the ones who do.
- "Think Different"
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My Results:
Your Results:1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. Neo-Pagan (99%) 3. Liberal Quakers (96%) 4. New Age (93%) 5. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (93%) 6. Mahayana Buddhism (87%) 7. Hinduism (86%) 8. Theravada Buddhism (80%) 9. New Thought (73%) 10. Orthodox Quaker (72%) 11. Taoism (68%) 12. Reform Judaism (64%) 13. Sikhism (64%) 14. Scientology (62%) 15. Jainism (57%) 16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (51%) 17. Seventh Day Adventist (49%) 18. Secular Humanism (48%) 19. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (45%) 20. Eastern Orthodox (45%) 21. Roman Catholic (45%) 22. Bahai (42%) 23. Orthodox Judaism (37%) 24. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (35%) 25. Jehovah's Witness (35%) 26. Islam (21%) 27. Non-theist (19%)And I was raised Roman Catholic and went to Catholic School. Well I'm a Panentheist; Cosmic-Creation Centered Spirituality; Interfaith Mystic. Well I take this quiz very loosely but it will be a nice thing to take advice from. I like to combine DR. Rev. Matthew Fox's Creation Spirituality and Other Interfaith Wisdom Tradition, Mystics and Children of the Law of One. If Catholic went to original definition which mean Universal Open-Minded of All People, Places and Time than I will be called that. Must have an open mind and a open heart to do this.
Matthew Fox's Stanford Lectures (72 vids)
You Are 96% Open Minded
.. You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You?

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I'd like to meet:


Siddhartha Gautama

Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox

Brother David Steindl-Rast

Thich Nhat Hanh

Brother Wayne Teasdal

Billy Joel

Alex Grey

Bill Irwin


George Lucas

Emilie Autumn

Ash Williams

The Indigo Belly Dancers


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