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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Sister Margarita of the Salty Rim exemplifies that age old adage, "Oldest profess..." no, wait...ummm...oh yes here it is: "Some achieve greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them, and then there's Maude."Margarita was a sausage maker in a boutique meats shop in Locustburg, Kentucky when a sea-foam-green Cadillac rolled up to her take out window. Inside road Sister Tragedy Ann The Astronaughty Booty Licka, in an extreme narcoleptic sleep walk. At very first site, Margarita recognized the powerful archetype of the Fag-superwoman in the somnambulant yet ambulatory Sister Tragedy Ann. As quick as a buttered nipple, she dove through her take-away meat slice and into the passenger seat of the Caddy to train for her new-and-yet-somehow-familiar life as a shamanic bitch in white face.Mastering the sari and proving herself above the cross-gendered hoi paloi at lip contour and multi-shade blending during her training, Sister Margarita peeled away the layers of icy condescension that had besmudged her aura transforming it from a dull gray-blue to a radiant and posh orange-fuscia. She is often mistaken for a sumptuous tropical drink at bars along the California coastline where inebriated country club goers have repeatedly assaulted her with small colorful drink umbrellas.Her manifestation has grown into a personal mission to live well through the use of marijuana and to foster an increase in general homosexuality among the general American populace. She works tirelessly in her penthouse laboratory and greenhouse in San Francisco to create the world's first herbal sexual-preference-alternator supplement.Her motto: "Str8 to gay from chewing hay!"

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