Beer, Bikes, BBQs, Bonfires, Beaches, Bands, Backyards, Junkyards, Alleyways, Thrift shops, Free bar food, the Odwalla dumpster, Freights, Taking to the m*therf*cking streets, living life without compromise
Ignaz Schwinn, Baron Von Pabst, Jaques Cousteau, Carl Sagan, Japanther,
Stubby's Crack Company, Fats Tunamelt, Los Gran Torinos, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, Johnny Cash, Fourth Rotor, Iggy Pop, The Morning Forty Federation, Streakin' Hobo, Bearing Gruesome Cargo!,Hug-a-Mutha, Moon Knights
The Goonies, PeeWee's Big Adventure, The Wild One, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, No Skateboarding, The Flying Wheels, Freaks, The Outsiders
Lobbing watermelons into a wall of them with a twenty foot tall trebuchet, The "A" Team
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Bicycles Locked to Poles, People's History of the United States, After Many A Summer Dies the Swan, The Lorax, Red Emma Speaks,
Ignaz Schwinn, MLKjr, Marlon Brando, Nelson Mandela, Annie Oakley, Carl Sagan