Comedy, Cars, Poetry, Literature, Guns, Music, not in that order.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. Subsequently, from 1915 to 1917, 1.5-million
Armenians, deprived of the means to defend themselves, were rounded up and killed.
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. Then from 1929 to 1953,
approximately 20-millon dissidents were rounded up and killed.
In 1938 Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945 over 13-million Jews,
gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill, union leaders, Catholics and others, unable to fire a
shot in protest, were rounded up and killed.
In 1935, China established gun control. Subsequently, between 1948 and 1952, over
20-million dissidents were rounded up and killed.
In 1956, Cambodia enshrined gun control. In just two years (1975-1977) over one
million "educated" people were rounded up and killed.
In 1964, Guatemala locked in gun control. From 1964 to 1981, over 100,000 Mayan
Indians were rounded up and killed as a result of their inability to defend themselves.
In 1970, Uganda got gun control. Over the next nine years over 300,000 Christians
were rounded up and killed.
Over 56-million people have died because of gun control in the last century . . .
Senator Diane Feinstein, speaking on "60-Minutes" said "if I
thought I could get the votes, I'd have taken them all."MUST SEE TVBuying the Whip
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Interesting individuals.
Unique Is My Dove Lyrics ..
All types, but am very inclined towards lyrical content.
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Goodfellas, Scarface, Fight Club, The Sound of Music, Raider of the Lost Ark, Wedding Crashers, The Godfather, The Good, The Bad,& The Ugly, School for Scoundrels, Borat, Crash, Young Guns, Matrix, Star Wars.
My Name is Earl, Sopranos, Man vs. Wild, Ali G Show
family guy 69
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Catcher in the Rye, Memoirs of a Geisha, anything by Stephen King, Dean Koonts, John Grisham, Massad Ayoob, Michael Connelly, Robert Ludlum, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, or his Puerto Rican Cousin Ernesto. Mean Streets, Thank God I Had a Gun, 1984, collective works of Edgar Allen Poe.
Lone Ranger, Superman, Charlten Heston, John Wayne, Rudy Giuliani, George W. Bush, Cam Edwards, Samuel Colt, TBTA, NYPD, FDNY and all my fellow Veterans and Troops presently serving. Winnie the Pooh, and Ronald Reagan. Most of all my Mommy. Call me a GUN NUT!