Hi. I'm into music and pretty much anything that has to do with media. I currently intern for G2 Media Group.
My dream is to work for a company like Pixar making animated movies, or starting my own animation business or film business.
I can Snowboard like a beast, and I'm learning to skateboard.
I started a band called A Call To Rise. We're currently writing music and getting ready to record this summer, as well as play shows. I play bass for the band, but I also can play guitar. Look for our shows this summer.
I'm great at photoshop, so go check out my photoshop portfolio in my pics.
I work at Panera's in belden being their ninja assassin. It's not really all that exciting.
People think I look like Teddy Geiger or the guy from the gorillaz, or Johnny Greenwood, or Ash from pokemon, or harry potter. I really don't think I look like any of these people but, what ever you what to believe. Maybe I'm lying and I'm really all these people, you'll never know!