.::Basic Info::.
Name: Lindsay Tracey
What do people call you?: Lindz, Linna, Tracey
Gender: Female
Birthday: 15th October
Age: 25
What age do you act?: depends...
Height: 5.7"
Eye Color: Blue
Piercings: just my ears
Tattoos: no .::Love Life::.
Single? yes
Who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: someone fun
Have you ever been in love?: yes
Is it possible to be faithful to one person forever?: i think so
Do you want to get married?: one day
Do you want to have kids? If so how many?: some day- at least 2 but no more than 4
Do you believe in true love?: yes
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?: I hope so
What is the best thing(s) about the opposite sex?: big ideas and big arms and when they smell nice
What is the worst thing(s) about the opposite sex?: jealousy
Do you believe you should be in love to have sex?: its better that way... .::Deep & Interesting Things About You::.
What is your biggest fear?: spiders!
What is your dream?: travelling loads
What is your greatest strength?: patience
What is your greatest weakness?: being very in-decisive
Do you have a motto you live by?: no
Do you have any bad habits?: smoking
Do you have any secrets?: loads but i won't tell
What do you want to do in life?: be happy and experience everything
If you could change one thing about yourself, would you? And what would it be?: my bank balance!
Do you think you are a good person?: i try to be
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: yes
Do you regret anything?: no
Do you think life has been good so far?: definitly
What do you like the most about your body?: my hair
What do you like the least?: feet
If you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: yes
Do you live in the moment?: always CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!