Lola, art, crafts, dogs, my iPod, bright colors, criminal justice, shoes, movies, critters, sleeping in, trying new things, knitting, stickers, unavailable men, chapstick, eating out, obsessing over things I can't do anything about, chocolate chip cookies, the ocean (not swimming in it, though), shiny things, pool (even thought I suck at it), photography, movies, and cheese.
Elvis, Salvador Dali, Tim Burton, and Dave Matthews.
Dave Matthews Band, Portishead, Massive Attack, Tool, Led Zeppelin, The Cure, David Bowie, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, CCR, Elvis Presley, Billie Holiday, A Perfect Circle, Soul Coughing, The Decemberists, The Postal Service, Radiohead, Deftones, Jack Johnson, Rage Against the Machine, Mike Doughty, some bad 80's taste in music varies from week to week.
The Nightmare Before Christmas, Alice In Wonderland, Secretary, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissor Hands, American Psycho, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Life Aquatic, Lost in Translation, Punch Drunk Love, Fight Club, The Neverending Story, Little Miss Sunshine, Planet Terror, ATHF, American Beauty, I Heart Huckabees, Scarface, Team America: World Police, and bunches more.
Grey's Anatomy, Jeopardy, House, Discovery channel nerdy shows, No Reservations (I want that job), MXC, and the occasional cartoon.
Not as often as I should.
Artists who have the courage and confidence to show their art to others, risk takers, people who live life to the fullest rather than watch others live it on t.v. (guilty), but mostly Lola.