We were a band of 2, Mitchell and Phil
We brought in the other 3 members based on what we wanted a southern band to be, in our heads.
We needed them to back up our ideas.
Phil wrote most of the riffs, if not all, because Brad wasn't really influenced by the music, but was only stoked on playing in a band with Matt, and maybe Mack.
We all knew what sounded good or not though.
Somethings that weren't right in this band also helped us break up.
The fact that Mack wasn't 100% reliable for jams, the fact that Mitch couldn't write songs, but only random lyrics when he "felt it", the fact that Phil's parents would bring him down, and not even let him play his final show with the band, the fact that Matt sketched out of things in total when things weren't going right with him a little bit.
We weren't a band of brothers, which brought us to our end, which is sad because we could've been but whatever.
As of now, Mitchell, Brad and Mack aren't in any kind of spotlight
Matt plays in Audrey Rose
Phil plays in Kept In Combat