About SOLO well let me start ITS NOT ABOUT SOLO but the CHRIST WITHIN SOLO. I LOVE GOD SOOOO much because he saved me from HELL. I try my hardest everyday to be pleasing in his eyes. I fail many of times like when I get attitudes or being ungratefull or better yet when I even gave up or tried to give up on him and started smoking doe and selling bricks again(YEP I SAID IT) but I got a big Whoppin for that one like the word says he corrects the ones he loves. Im not perfect at all as you can see, but by JESUS CHRIST shedding his blood for all my past present and future mistakes GOD looks at me as righteous. My heart is very troulbled these days because I desire everyone to feel the experience of TRUE SALVATION but these days GOD is being so disrespected by the church and the world, and I know it breaks his heart cuz it breaks mine. MY bad got off track, but they call me GODZ GOON and Im here on an important mission so if we cross paths I will try my best to show the CHRIST WITHIN ME.